Late night stroll

He walks out of the cinema, a few people stare at him as he carries his boyfriend through the streets at night, Jones doesn't care about their looks, he is more worried about Adrien, he wants him to rest properly after being abused by him.

Jones knew where Adrien lived, in fact he knew much more about Adrien than Adrien about him, he had one of his goons make a background check.

Adrien was a single son to his widowed fashion designer mother, had barely any connections with his father.

He is 17 about to be 18 in March, he weighs 120 pounds (55 kgs) and measures 5 feet, 8 inches (168 cm) he had always had great grades at art and average grades at the other subjects, he loves art, and strives in his craftsmanship to improve his artist skills, he never had many friends, you could say his best friend had always been his mom and still was.

He had always been shy and kind since he was a child, having gotten in trouble countless times for bringing stray animals into his home and feeding them, or so did his mother's hacked emails to a friend say.

He currently lives on an apartment building, near the edge of the city, they have been living there for 4 years now, his favourite colour is yellow, his favorite book is Brave New World, he often browses in art websites for pieces that he admires.

He masturbated semi weekly to normal pornography, he also lurks in blogs discussing about drawing methods and so on, he is not very socially active online, he does have an account where he posts the pieces he creates, having acquired a fair ammount of followers.

He knows how to cook, sometimes looking for sweet recipes online, he had recently been searching online for best ways to gain muscle, best ways to grow tall, fag meaning, prestigious art colleges, topics to talk on a date…

He broke his arm once, apparently his mother's exboyfriend did that to him, made him do something he wasn't comfortable with doing, leading to his injury.

He listens mostly to classical and alternative music, he played piano until he was 12, he often goes out to eat with his mother in a restaurant near their home, his favourite food is ice cream, he loves sweet things, he eats mostly alone at school usually on the rooftop.

He has modeled before as a child to a clothing company partnered with his mother, he was always happy as a child, as he grew up his mood started changing, he would often worry about his height and lack of body development, based on his online searches.

Despite being exhausted and having the ability to call a private driver, Jones decided to do the journey alone, as a way to repent, punish himself.

Not only that, he wanted silence, or rather the never ending background noise of cars passing by, walk trough the deserted streets at night, he felt at peace, while carrying his beautiful angel.

Jones is heavy breathing, he has carried Adrien for about 2 miles since they exited the cinema, he finally reached the building where he lived, pressing the buzzer after catching his breath.

"Adrien is that you? I have been calling you why didn't you answer."

Jones hadn't heard Adrien's phone ringing, it probably was silenced or something.

"Good night mam, your son had a little too much fun at a party and ended up passing out, can I please come in, he's with me, Jones, I'm a friend of his."

"Is he okay? Wait there, I will go get him right away."

"He is fine just resting, I can bring him up there's no problem."

The mother believes the lie, she immediately unlocks the building door.

Jones carries out with his mission.

The apartment was fairly modern, seemingly home to high-middle class workers such as Adrien's mom.

He exits the elevator, Adrien's mom is at the door, she gets surprised seeing Adrien being carried out by Jones a man that tall and muscular, she blushes, making eye contact with the handsome youth, feeling embarrassed and exposed standing on the front door entrance half naked in only gym shorts and a tight top.

Jones immediately realizes the beauty of the fairly young looking woman, he could see who Adrien took after in looks, making him blush slightly, lose his composure for a moment, as his eyes slightly drifted downwards to inspect her figure.

The few seconds of arousal between the two is broken as Hannah looks at Adrien's peaceful face resting on Jones's pec, making her regain her composure.

"Hello I'm Hannah, Adrien's mom. How is my baby?"

She says leaning over and slightly elevating herself to caress her precious boy's face.

"Hello mam, he is just very worn out, he is out cold, he should be back to new tomorrow morning tho."

"Why is he wearing that jacket? And what happened to his face, he looks like he has been crying?"

"He seemed cold so I wrapped my jacket around him, his face looks like that due to the cold…"

"Thanks for protecting my son. And what exactly happened at that party?"

Jones feels awkward he knows how cunning mothers can be.

"Well… let's just say it was a little overwhelming for his first time out in a real party."

She isn't convinced, but she is relived to see him fine in front of her.

"Mam, can I put your son down on his bed? He is really weighing down on my arms, and I feel like he would be much more comfortable in it."

"Ah yes pls, I'm sorry please come in. His bedroom is to the right if you follow that hallway. Would you like something to drink?"

Jones says yes, to simply send her away so he can carefully set his angel in bed.

As soon as Jones enters Adrien's room, he notices the array of paintings and drawings hanging on the walls, how everything is so incredibly messy yet organized, he is mesmerized with some of them, wishing he could take some home with him.

He sets Adrien down on his bed, he carefully takes off his clothes, before settling him to sleep, still wearing the accessories, he covers him, and gives him a kiss on the lips.

"Sleep well baby girl."

Jones walks out of the room, and gets interrupted by Adrien's mom.

"Here's your drink."

She says with her arm extending it towards Jones.

"I'm sorry, I'm really not that thirsty anymore."

"That's fine, thank you for bringing my boy home."

She can tell he is tired from carrying Adrien, and tries not to nag him further.

"May I know your name before you leave?"

"Jones, good night mam."

He says as he leaves the apartment, not having the patience to small talk with the woman.