Fake heartbreak

The morning arises, and a beautiful serene sound can be heard in Adrien's room, the old piano he once neglected, was now delicately being pressed in each key, Adrien felt it was right to do it then, his mom was pleasantly surprised by the melody she had already forgotten, but Adrien would be late for school if he kept playing at his own delight.

She tells him to get ready, and he abides, pressing one last set of chords that leave a sense of play and innocence in the air.

The school grounds as always is flooded at the entrance during the morning, all kinds of students arriving some arrived by luxurious cars, or brought by their family's chauffeur, some with beautiful motorbikes custom made by famous brands, a show of wealth among students.

Adrien was one of the few brought by their parents, he arrives a little late to class.

Jones almost falling asleep, completely lights up as he sees Adrien walk into the room, they trade glances, Jones grins at him, Adrien blushes trying to keep himself composed.

After a slow and painfully boring class, they both walk out, Adrien was usually alone and Jones accompanied by his 3 usual friends Ian, Hugh and Noah.

Adrien is the last one to leave, after explaining to the teacher the reason for being late. He walks out and notices the 4 American football players waiting for him.

They approach him grinning.

"Hey there sissy boy, thought you could get away?"

"Hey Jones."

Adrien responds, blushing at being overshadowed by Jones and the others, completely towering Adrien.

Jones voice seemed a little hostile, as if it was the Jones from the past, bullying him again.

"I have a little lesson to teach you, fag, not here tho, let's go to somewhere less crowded."

Everyone was looking at them, it could be seen in their eyes, they took pity on Adrien's situation, to be so unlucky to be targeted by the school's top dogs, who no one could stop, like watching a harmless white bunny be a plaything for wolves.

Adrien is confused,

"Shouldn't we drop our stuff at the next classroom first, rather than carrying it around?"

Ian facepalms a little bringing his hand to his face, just how oblivious can the pretty boy be.

Hugh, a black young man, son to a famous nfl player, and aspiring to follow his footsteps, punches the wall with force right besides Adrien's head.

"Do we have to say it twice?"

Adrien is now scared, a punch like that could seriously mess him up for life, he looks at Jones, but Jones has no reaction.

The only thing he could do for now was follow them, as they ordered.

So he did, with his head held down, looking like a prisoner being seized, to the outside lookers.

They bring him close to the boy's bathroom, they all go in, the few boys in there immediately get out from there as fast as they could, avoiding eye contact, the last one leaves.

"How should we discipline this little bitch boy?"

Noah says while going for a piss in the urinals.

"I have been needing a new fleshlight, he would make a real nice one."says Hugh checking out Adrien's enticing body.

"I know just the right thing."says Jones, grabbing Adrien by the hair and bringing him forcefully to near one of the urinals.

Adrien grunts in pain as Jones pulls on his hair, despite being forceful it still felt like he was holding back, Adrien starts crying, Jones hadn't changed at all after all, he was just one more of the many one night stands in Jones's historial, had it really meant nothing?

"Jones please."

Adrien makes a final plead, crying as he stood on his knees near the urinal, looking at Jones's blue eyes.

For a short moment, Jones reveals his own suffering, he winks quickly at Adrien, Ian sees what Jones was about to do and distracts Hugh for that short second.

Adrien is somewhat relaxed and stops sobbing so roughly.

"Such a baby, at least own up to it like a real man."

Noah says as he finishes his business.

Jones unzips his pants, and takes his huge cock out from inside his boxers, urine starts trickling from it into the urinal.

Adrien was right beside it to the point of feeling the strong smell and heat coming from the piss.

Jones grabs him by the hair and pushes him close to this ballsack.

"Lick them slut."

He orders as he kept pissing, Adrien obediently starts licking Jones balls.

The other 3 boys watching are infatuated, they were getting hard from seeing Adrien submissively licking those balls as Jones took a long piss.

His stream finally starts losing force after a few seconds, Adrien was still slightly crying while doing it, feeling incredibly humiliated, yet his dick was erect.

As soon as Jones stops pissing, he pushes Adrien away and turns his half erect big rod towards him.

"Now lick that head clean slut."

Adrien feels engrossed just thinking about doing such a thing.

"Come on pretty boy we don't have all day."

Ian says, while Hugh and Noah stared at the boy wanting to see him perform the act.

Jones this time pats Adrien's head right in front of his dick, the same pat he had gave him before whenever he was tender with him.

Adrien can't believe he really was about to do it, after a few seconds of mental preparation he starts licking the head of the cock clean.

Jones pats his head again after the act was done.

"What a good girl."

"Goddamn can I do that with him next break?"That must have felt amazing, who knew this fag was so talented to serve dick."

Hugh says completely hard under his pants.

"That's Jones thing, you can't do the same you unoriginal fuck."

Ian says trying to prevent it .

Jones was now completely erect in front of Adrien's face.

"You guys get going, I still have some lessons to teach this fag, of how to worship cock."

"I want to see that, maybe even teach him myself"

Noah says trying to join the fun.

Jones glares at him, a predator claiming his prey.

"Ok ok we get it, we'll be going, just don't ruin him all the way, so we can have fun later too."

Noah says, not wanting to start conflict with Jones.

The three boys leave the bathroom, with big bulges in their pants from the previous show, leaving Adrien and Jones alone inside.

Adrien is crying, looking at the floor feeling humiliated, abused and betrayed by Jones.

Jones put his erect cock back inside his pants, crouches and hugs Adrien.

"I'm so sorry baby girl, I'm so sorry."

He lifts Adrien's face towards him and kisses him lovingly.


Adrien asks still slightly crying.

"It's the only way we can be together, otherwise I can't protect you, our relationship must stay a secret, you are too precious, I don't want to lose you."

Adrien is finally relieved, the wink, the holding back strength, the soft pats on his head, Jones hadn't changed after all.

He is incredibly glad and hugs Jones.

"That was so cruel, I was so sure you didn't give a damn about me anymore."

Jones hugs Adrien back.

"Only Ian knows, I had to show Hugh and Noah I meant business when I said you needed discipline and disprove their theories of our love, but yes it was all an act, I could never throw you away like that baby girl.

If we want to be together, you will have to endure the bullying in school for now.

Those two they wouldn't understand, they would use our love instead to leverage themselves and blackmail me, that's why I didn't alert you yesterday, it had to look real."

"I don't think I can take any more of these actings, it was so scary."

"I'm sorry… I thought this was going to solve the problem, this little show, but it only made them more interested in bullying you.

If you are ever alone with any one of those two, run too me or to Ian and we will keep them away, I promise to protect you."

Jones says kissing Adrien again on the lips

Adrien couldn't believe that from now on he had to be bullied to be near Jones, to think he thought he was never going to suffer from it a day ago, and instead it had worsened, he felt defeated.

"I understand, but promise me that you'll be a little more caring the next few times, and please don't make me taste piss again."

Jones slightly grins hugging Adrien.

"I promise baby girl, I will take good care of you as your bully."

Both of them compose themselves, Adrien cleans his face trying to hide the fact he had been crying.

Jones kisses him a final time, a kiss that lasts a few more seconds than the others, Jones grabs Adrien, his legs wrapped around his back, grabbing and feeling his buttcheeks, while Adrien had his arms around his neck.

"And don't you dare look at any of the other guys lustfully, tell me when you are horny and I'll give it to you, just be aware that the other guys might be watching when we do it."

Adrien obediently nods his head, he had to make sure to control his urges, even tough he was ready to go right there, especially after Jones dominance earlier.

"I kind of am right now…"

Adrien whispers embarrassed in admitting it.

"I wish we could baby girl, because I can barely contain myself too, you know what, it shouldn't take long."