I always thought that reading such a large amount of self-inserts, fanfictions, isekai's, and wish-ficks I would be prepared for such an eventuality to happen to me. I had thought about what I would wish for should I come face to face with some godly being, I had plans for what to do if I woke up as a child in Gotham (usually involving vandalizing the batmobile in some way), I knew never to trust any kingdom that summoned me to kill a demon lord or other cliche big bad. No plan survives first contact.
Now, I am not one to remember my dreams but those that I do recall are always amazingly vivid. So when I found myself in a sea of stars I didn't panic and simply assumed I was dreaming. If you have ever truly looked into the night sky in a place with no light pollution you know that it seems that you could just start falling into that endless gap between worlds, and as I truly looked into that abyss that I found myself in I started to fall. I panicked then.
'FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuu...!!!!!!' I roared in my mind as what I assumed was my stomach and heart proceeded to decide their living conditions weren't quite up to snuff and promptly packed up and move directly past my throat and into my brain. Stars started to move in my peripheral and slowly change to white lines as I sped through the cosmos forming no coherent thoughts other than primal screaming. the best way to describe what the journey felt like would be when you are just on the edge of falling asleep and you fall in your dream and you nearly jump out of your bed but nonstop.
As soon as I began to come back to being able to think I stopped moving as suddenly as it started and before me what I beheld was POWER pure and primal. A star hung in front of me, incomprehensible in its size, and thought left me once again. The sun was worshipped by many cultures and civilizations over the course of the earth's history and seeing a star up close makes me understand why. I felt it in a way that I hadn't felt anything up to that point, it felt as if my soul was on fire, like the marrow of my bones was steadily heating up filling me with energy and potential, it felt natural and right and true and terrifying. I saw planets sucked into the flame of that gluttonous star and wept for nature is a cruel and terrifying place. I don't know how long I reveled in front of that grand crucible of atomic flame but eventually, I felt something else, nearly as old as the star in front of me. They burned like a green supernova, each one felt of WILL, pure and untainted. Any path that they lay would be the path that they stayed on no second guesses, no room for error, they never made mistakes. Their diminutive bodies which looked like an old grouchy mix between Megamind and the smurfs gave no indication of their power but they could and had shaped the universe for billions of years. They were the guardians of the universe, the creators of the power rings, the destroyers of sector 666, and the leaders of the green space police.
I watched as the guardians discussed briefly and turn towards the star, which I suddenly realized I was inherently connected to due to being able to see and feel them on the other side of the celestial body, and manifest great chains and shackles and threw them on the star. instantly that great heat that filled me fled and I was left feeling empty, extremely coherent, and abnormally calm, I could barely feel it at the edge of my mind.
'What the fuck, What the fuck, What the fuck' my mind raced trying to make sense of the past indeterminate amount of time
'those are the guardians of the universe, why the fuck are they throwing big ass chains onto a star what the fuck does that accomplish, AND WHY CAN I FEEL WHAT THEIR DOING????!!!'
'Ok ok ok, what do I know about the DC universe, the guardians are good but also bad because they cut themselves off from everything else other than will so they can be SUPER DICKS at times, looking at the manhunters and how they screw over their lanterns in a bunch of stories. They also fuck with the Martians at one point because the Martians were basically constantly on fire shapeshifting Kryptonians with telepathy and mind control bullshit powers... oh shit oooohhhh hooh no this is a fucking vision quest.'
As soon as I come to that conclusion I'm falling again but this time toward a barren red planet.
I have no distinct memories after I fell into that dessert world just a vague feeling of darkness and growth. slowly I returned to awareness and felt a warmth like a heated full-body hug, very cozy but also really weird once I figured out I was in a womb of some kind.
'I feel like I should be afraid but I'm not, I'm more..... curious, nervous, excited, super loving? ok that last one is super weird'
suddenly I am aware of a new sense that feels as natural as being able to smell or taste. I can feel the mind of what I'm assuming is my mother, her emotions and vague impressions and images of staring down at a large belly and a massive expansive underground city. instinctually I reach out to the mind and feel it reel in shock, the outpouring of pride and vindictive joy is a bit concerning but I quickly feel myself fall asleep knowing what and where I was. I was now a Martian in the DC universe, hooooh boy let's see if I can survive this hellscape of insanity.