It has been 12 years since my birth and I finally know when I am. The year on earth is currently 1962, I know this because I am now the proud cousin of one M'gann M'orzz or Miss Martian this means that I have approximately 48 years left to finish my training on mars before I leave with her to earth.
I have not been stagnant the past 12 years but have been focused on perfecting my control over small telekinetic feats and how quickly I could shapeshift. For my telekinesis, I focused on controlling multiple objects starting with just a pebble orbiting around my head to more complex patterns then adding in more rocks to train my multitasking ability. For shapeshifting I focused on making small changes as quickly as possible, changing my pigmentation to blend in with my surroundings, it's not full invisibility but with some more fitness and testing ill be able to avoid detection on infrared cameras which martian invisibility still shows up on.
For what's coming I need to be silent, perfectly invisible, and able to shift and blend in with any culture and any creed. The main villains in this universe are a cabal of multiple extremely powerful businessmen, magicians, immortals, and kings called the Light. Those who lead this group are Lex Luthor supermans main villain, Vandal Savage an ancient immortal human who has been an advisor to the worst people across time, and Queen Bee a meta-human with the ability to control the minds of men with either a pheromone or specialized psychic ability used this to take over and rule the country of Bialya, Prince Orin Brother to Aquaman racist ocean nazi basically plays open and kind advisor to the king while orchestrating terror attacks on Atlantis. Finally the most dangerous of them all is Klarion the witch boy, he looks like a little lanky pasty tween but is nigh unkillable and able to go toe to toe with the heaviest hitters on earth, he is a lord of chaos and the main antagonist to the lich of order Dr. Fate. there are other members
The light is in league with Darkseid, the biggest of bads, they don't quite know that they are working with Darkseid or they believe that they can trick him, either way, they need to be stopped. I am not down with those fucked up new gods in any way, so ill have to figure out a way to either completely eliminate the light or expose them to such an extent that others deal with them for me. Luthor, black manta, vandal, Queen Bee, and the Joker are all easily eliminated using mundane means. Queen Bee will be more difficult to eliminate but curing her subjects of her mind control will have her victims take care of that for me.
But before I can go about covertly eliminating some of the most entrenched and powerful bad dudes on earth I need to get bad myself, and Mars is full of beasties that give Bad a whole other meaning.
Every animal on Mars has some ability to shapeshift, either by grown claws and spines or by changing chemical composition to make their blood acidic or poisonous. What this means is that every animal on mars is in a constant state of high-speed evolutionary chess which results in things that would give the average Xenomorph a panic attack.
The main issue with going out into the massive expanse that is the martian underground exosystem is that I am a child biologically around 4 years old and while I'm much stronger than others my age due to my practice, I am still growing and am nowhere near strong enough to head out on my own. So in the meantime, I'm doing passive skill reads and attempting to make my green brethren less racist or at the very least ignore me.
The biggest breakthrough I made in my practice of getting people to ignore me or aspects of me was the development of something akin to a S.E.P. (Somebody else's problem) field which acts exactly as it sounds. Whenever somebody looks at me with the S.E.P field active their eyes will just slide right off me their brains not bothering to remember me. This field would become my most important ability In infiltration and stealth in populous areas where active power use is not possible.
Mars cities are all subterranean and stretch for miles in every direction with tunnels and hidden passageways. Martian families live in massive communities with every form of extended family in one area, each family carves out sections for their own space out of the cavern walls, ceiling, and floor. So I lived with approximately 300 people in a strange kind of basement skyscraper, therefore I had a lot of practice going unnoticed.
As a twelve-year-old white Martian, I was much taller than I would be as a human child around 4' even (1.2 meters), and looked like a lanky teenager at least in my natural form, when I shapeshift I can grow bigger but I don't have the mass to make those shifts have the strength or weight to make them believable. This will change as I grow, I will stop growing around 60 years of age, after which I will start to amass more mass and density which will add to my natural invulnerability.
Now racism was definitely a thing even within the same family for example my distant uncle J'onn is a green martian and his brother is super duper racist, of course on the other side of the spectrum are the white Martians who are quickly (for a martian timetable) deciding that violence is the answer. This racial issue came about from the dismantling of a caste system where the white Martians were a servant class and generally looked upon as lesser, this led to the systemic racism that turned mars into a pressure cooker that really needed someone like Martin Luthor King Jr. but for some reason, a near hivemind society hasn't figured out that racism is bad.
This was terrible if you were a white martian trying to make a life for yourself on mars, but great for someone like me who couldn't be bothered with politics and wanted to fly completely under the radar.
I could wander anywhere and not get a second look, even if I didn't have my psychic shields and camo no one would give a second glance to a small white martian running around the undercity, even fewer would think it strange for one to go into the deep forest (massive subterranean forest stretching the majority of mars) probably to scrounge like an animal some green Martians would think, fewer wouldn't bring themselves so low to think of white Martians at all. Thankfully there wasn't any heinous violence committed in the open, I have no idea if it happens behind closed doors though, and things seemed to be slowly getting better.
There weren't any dangerous animals near the cities entrances to the deep forest due to the number of psychically active minds present in the city, sort of how sound and light pollution scares off bigger predators from cities on earth, the dangerous beasts roam on the sun torched surface and by the lakes and rivers of lava in the depths of the forest, which is where I spent my time perfecting my shapeshifting techniques by turning into one of the small animals located near the entrance to the deep forest and joining their pack or family units.
'oooohhh boy that lizard rat dog looks a lot scarier and bigger in real life and when im shifted down to its size' I thought as I gazed upon the Ma'arzuu Beast
logically the animals couldn't do anything to me but anyone who has ever come across an animal in the wild knows that the encounter no matter how benign will get the heart going. Thankfully my Mirgan (mimic organ) regulated my outer reactions to mirror what the other animal expects and broadcasted near exactly that. I can't be a too perfect mirror or ill get into the region of the uncanny valley and give any disguise I'm attempting away.
'smell... RUN... hide... posture...' in the back of my mind my Mirgan broadcasted and received instinctual thought from the animals it was mimicking, eventually this transformation would be cataloged and I will be able to pass completely for the animal even under extensive psychic and biological testing all while maintaining my mind and coherent thought.
For every new animal cataloged the speed it takes to fully map and mimic an animal shortens, as I grow I am able to shift into larger animals, the biggest challenge is mimicking another person and then a completely new persona based around the group I want to infiltrate. Being able to do that is paramount to my goals.