Chapter 3


It’s been a month since our sudden move to that dump of a house. And even if we have painted the walls and cleaned out the carpets, the house still is a dump. I still don’t know the reason why we moved and my parents are still paranoid. They have asked me several times to quit my studies or to transfer to another college in another state. Their last try was to have me agree on online studies instead.

The only positive thing with the move is that they can’t gamble as much as before. They do not dare to go into Chicago to visit any casinos and there are not that many options in the small town we live in. But they still drink too much. Often when I come home from school my dad is lying drunk on the couch. My mom usually doesn't get drunk until after dinner.

I let out a deep sigh to try and ease my apprehension about what state they are in tonight when I come home. I stare out at the darkening sky through the window on the bus, focusing on the few stars that shine there. All of this is taking a toll on me and the situation at home doesn’t help either. I feel so exhausted that I’m seriously considering taking online classes instead to save time and please my parents.

The busdriver calls out my stop and I stretch in my seat with a large yawn to wake up my tired body. As the bus slows down I get up and make my way to the door. A light rain is coming down from the sky as I step off the bus. With a groan at my misfortune I pull up the hood of my jacket and make my way to my bike.

The ride from the bus stop to home takes less than fifteen minutes but I am soaked when I finally reach my street. As I turn onto my street I see four unknown black cars parked along the curb in front of our house. The windows are darkly tinted so it is impossible to see into them. Even in the darkness of the evening and the rain I can see how well looked after they are with their shiny black coat of paint without a speck of dust. The cars look expensive, but at the same time anonymous.

I have never seen these cars in the month we have lived here, and it doesn’t look like there is any party at any of our closest neighbors. I don’t think any of our neighbors would know people with the kind of money you need for these cars. I know we don’t know such people so I wonder who they are here for.

Parking my bike next to the garage, I throw another curious look at the cars and around the neighborhood. Still seeing no indication as to why they are parked here, I make my way up to the back door. With a deep breath I plaster a smile on my lips and enter.

“I’m home.” I shout as I step inside and take off my wet shoes and jacket.

“In the living room.” My mom calls out. That’s strange. At this time of the evening she is usually in the kitchen cooking dinner. But I can’t even see the preparations for dinner on the counter or stove. “Can you please come in here?” She calls again. Her voice sounds muffled and broken and I scowl in confusion.

I hook my bag over my shoulder and walk through the kitchen to the living room. “Are we eating ou-” I break off my speech as I enter the living room. The room is filled with men, all in black suits, white shirts and black ties. Most of them wear sunglasses, even though it’s evening, and all stand rigid at strategic places around the room.

My parents sit with their backs unnaturally erect on the couch, close together and holding on to each other's hands. In the armchair next to the couch sits a man in a dark gray suit and a red tie. His dark hair is neatly trimmed and styled to perfection. His nose is straight and aristocratic, his jaw is sharp and lined with a neatly trimmed beard. His lips are full and he has a dashing smile that shows his pearly white teeth. The smile doesn’t reach his dark eyes, that are pasted on me as I stand in the doorway.

He’s leaning back in a relaxed position with his arms resting on the armrests and legs crossed. But it’s only his posture that is relaxed. His eyes are alert as he follows every little motion I make. “What is going on?” My voice is waving with uncertainty and my eyes go between my parents and the man sitting in the armchair. Somehow I recognise the man but I can’t put my finger on where I have seen him before.

“It is so nice of you to finally join us, Miss Mason.” The man says. His voice is low, smooth and dangerous. He has an accent that I can’t place, perhaps Italian or greek. That would fit with his dark complexion. “My name is Antonio Falaguerra. I am-” He waves his hand in the air and looks towards the ceiling as if searching for a word that he already knows. “-an acquaintance of your parents.”

His eyes find their way back to meet mine. The sinister smile on his lips has an involuntary shiver trail its way down my spine. I can’t decide if the shiver is out of fear or attraction. Perhaps both. He is the incarnation of the fallen angel, delicious and dangerous.

“Ehm. Okay. Nice to meet you.” I say as my eyes make their way to my parents again. They are both looking at me with fear and regret. What is going on here? I make a move to go and sit with my parents but a large hand lands on my shoulder as I try to round the couch. I stiffen and gasp in fear.

My mom's eyes grow big and I see tears forming in them. Following the arm up to the face of a large, muscular man, with dark shades covering his eyes. He has one of those earbuds that bodyguards in movies have in one of his ears. I decided it is best to not resist and turn my shocked eyes back to my mom and then Antonio Falaguerra.

“You see, Miss Mason. Your parents owe me a huge sum of money. When they couldn’t repay me they ran away.” I can’t contain the gasp of shock as my head snaps to my parents again. My mom sniffles and buries her head in my dad’s shoulder. My dad looks down on his lap, refusing to meet my eyes. “But there is no way to run from me. Now it is time for them to pay me back.”

“H-how much are w-we talking about?” I stammer out and meet his eyes once again. I probably don’t want to hear the answer.

“Ten million dollars.” His posture does not change as he gives me this insane amount. It feels like liquid ice is poured into my veins. My dad makes a strangled noise and my mom starts to cry harder.

Clearing my throat, I try to get my head around this information. I can see that this man is not someone you want to owe money to but somehow my parents owe him ten million! How? Why? “T-ten mi-million?” I croake.

His smile grows wider. “Yes.” His calm demeanor is scaring the shit out of me. “The problem is that they don’t have that amount.” His face falls into a fake, sad scowl and he shakes his head. “That is most unfortunate, don’t you think?”

I stand frozen, meeting his eyes that show more pleasure than sadness over the situation. He enjoys this. “What do you suggest?” I ask, not knowing if I really want to know the answer.

At this he claps his hands together once and stands up. His face lights up in a smug smirk as he slowly makes his way towards me. “I am so glad that you asked, Miss Mason. As I see it there are two options here. One: execution.” I gasp at his statement and cover my mouth with my hands. When he doesn’t say the second option I ask. I’m pretty sure this is what he wants. I’m playing right into his hands.

“A-and the second?”

He stands close in front of me. He must be well over six feet tall because even with my own 5’9 I have to crane my neck to look him in the eyes. “The second is that you come along with me.” His eyes stare into mine as he lifts one hand to tuck a wet strand of my hair behind my ear.

“C-come with you?” I squeak out. My voice is shaking from fear as I whisper. “I don’t have that amount of money. W-what do you need me for?”

His eyes travel around my face as if to burn my image in his mind. When they land on mine again he says. “Oh. I think I can find some use of you.” My mom whimpers. My whole body is trembling with fear as my mind makes up all kinds of things he might use me for.

“I am sorry, Marri! I really am.” My mom cries from her position on the couch. She’s sorry? Is this something they knew would happen? I sneak a peek at them around his broad shoulders and I see dad holding mom to prevent her from getting off the couch. His eyes are traveling around to the men stationed in the room.

“So, Miss Mason. What will it be? Will you come with me? Or should I execute your parents?”

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