Thirty minutes later as we descend the stairs with my hand on Antonios arm, I see his family in the entrance hall removing their coats. A young dark skinned boy is running around and gets a reprimand from a woman that must be Antonios sister. My body tense up in hesitation. Antonio puts his hand on top of mine and gives it a reassuring squeeze.
“They will love you and I’m sure you will like them as well. It will be good for you to have someone that I definitely approve of as acquaintances.” I scowl at him and his obvious intrusion on my personal life. “Now stop scowling. There is no secret that I want to control all of your life. At least until I can be sure to trust you.”
With a gentle tug he proceeds down the stairs. I try to scold my scowl into at least a neutral expression. His family looks up as we come closer and his mother shines up at the sight of her son and his kidnapped fiancée.