Chapter 8: A rumor about Luna's parent's

"It's Luna right?"

"Whoa? Luna? The third year from 3-A?"

"Well, it was just a rumor, She doesn't looks like a gangster though"

"Hey, haven't you heard? They say Luna's parents killed someone.. Well that was the rumor says"

"Is her parents really a gangster or something?"

"Yo, Don't you know her parents was both guy? She doesn't have a mother"

The Gossips stop as soon as Luna entered the hall way, the students in the hall way were not being aware that they are looking at her in alert. They were looking at her as if Luna made something bad, Luna looks around her as she feels something wrong. She saw lots of students holding a school newspaper. Then Dong-Yul walk to Luna and hold her wrist, he drag Luna to the literature club room.

"Luna, I have something to tell you. Please calm down." Dong-Yul said while looking to her seriously. Luna on another hand don't know what's happening so she just nod as an agreement. Dong-Yul handed her the school newspaper that the journalist club created. Luna saw the headline title.

"One of the third year students have alarmingly have a gangster parents"

"Luna Millers a third year student, has surprisingly have two father. They say on the gathered data, Their parents is a member of a gang and one of his father is a loan shark. Is her parent's threaten the principal and other school staff to made Luna study in this prestigious school?, Was Luna really a scholar or not?."

Luna reads the article about her and feels her heart stop for a moment, Her body feels heavy. Dong-Yul on another hand was secretly enjoying Luna's expression. Luna close her eyes and grip her both hands and try to calm down, but her grip was too intense that It made her palm bleeds. "Luna! Stop it! Your palm is bleeding" Dong-Yul said in a worried tone.

Luna stand while she was trying to calm down but her expression was in rage. "Where are you going Luna?" He asked her as if he doesn't know the answer. "To the journalist club" Luna said and left the club room with Dong-Yul. Luna was just walking normally but students who saw her was in the state of panic as they saw Luna's expression is in rage.

Dong-Yul open the Journalist club's door and was shocked in amusement when Jae and Ethan was already there and already beat up all the member of the Journalist club except the only girl and president of the club Sasha. What amuse Dong-Yul more to Luna is she doesn't even look to the six guys that Ethan and Jae beaten and only approached Sasha.

Sasha was so scared and walk backwards until her back met the wall. Luna while walking towards her brings herself a chair, the minute Sasha stop moving she place the chair in front of Sasha and sit on it. "I'll tell you the truth, I got accept in this school because I have a brain and also I deserved to be a scholar. I told to my parent's that I want to earn something form my own hardship that's why my Parents didn't dare to give money to me." Luna said and saw Sasha was trembling since Luna looks so angry and kind of scary today.

Luna exhale while closing her eyes, then look to Sasha. "Could you make an update to your article?, My parents did not threaten anybody in this school. That's the only thing you need to update since…. Other than that are all true" Luna smile even she look so tired. Luna stand and leave quietly, she tell to herself that it is not a big deal and the only she will use her fist when those people she cares got hurt. But it gets a little bit annoying how all the students act when they saw her now.

Luna went to her class room and saw Bella was sitting in the front, Luna didn't ask anything and she still sit on her desk at the back. The whole class, even when their professor not there Bella didn't talk to Luna. Luna felt different about Bella. Luna stand as she look to her phone, at this hour Bella and her is about to go to their club. "Bella, Let's go to the club together" Luna said. Bella didn't look back at her but she reply "Oh, sorry I am not going to attend to day. I need to go home early today" Bella said while writing some notes. "Well then, see you tomorrow" Luna said.

Luna was bit irritated since she can feel all her class mate was looking at her but Luna just shake it off. She decided to go to her locker first before going to the club room but then she saw a group of students vandalizing her locker while laughing. She went to her locker casually and open her locker, she began to put her note book inside and then lock her locker. She took out her tissue and her alcohol to erase the vandalizing letter on her locker.

"Look, she's crazy. A gangster's child is acting pity"

"did she think studying makes her life will be different?, No matter what a gangster will always be a gangster"

" what a waste she's pretty, but I bet she already use her body to her gangster friends"

Luna sigh as she heard gossip from her back and student's laughing, The funny part is they start to talk all things about Luna and her parents like they know her when she was a child but the truth is they don't even know any little things about Luna. As people got some information about a certain person they just starting to think that they know everything to them. Luna prioritize cleaning her locker then after finishing cleaning it she left and keeps walking.

Luna plan to go to her club but her feet won't stop walking as soon as she saw students. Luna only able to stop when she saw the empty soccer field. Luna can't deny that today she have the shittiest day and made her very tired. She suddenly lay her back at the ground and just look to the red orange sky, then suddenly someone sit beside her. She sits again and look to the person sits beside her.

"I search around and this is where I found you" Dong-Yul smile and give Luna a canned soft drink. "Why are you looking for me?" Luna asked and lay her back at the ground again. Dong-Yul unexpectedly copy what Luna does. Don-Yul and Luna was both looking at the sky. "I was worried that's all, it will be over after next few months" Dong-Yul reassured Luna. "And by the way I told to my classmate that the reason why I have highest score in physics was because you help me" Dong-Yul said happily. "you always help me whenever I need help, so this time let me pay my debt. Don't forget to call me if you need someone to talk to" Dong-Yul stand up. "I am actually one of the cleaners, my classmate will scold me if they notice I was not around, well then see you!" Dong-Yul said.

"Dong-Yul…..Thanks" Luna said. He stop and look back to Luna dumb founded "for the soft drink" Luna added. Dong-Yul nod happily and start to walk away.

PFT! This is so easy, I should have done this before when she still with Red. A little more and you won't able to escape to my trap.. Dong-Yu said to himself while secretly smiling.