Chapter 16: The missing test sheet

Two weeks more and it will be the start of the exam week. Starting today, all the teachers were oblige to pass their test sheets alongside with their answer sheets for the records, But one of the teacher suddenly announce that the original Physics test sheet were missing.

Ethan smile as they heard of the mystery of the missing test sheet, first because he is curious and second is the test of the physics will be delayed and Ethan liked it since he don't like the physics subject. "Looks like we will have another club activity today! And this time it will be two birds in one stone since this something to do with Sir Andrew" Ethan said look so thrilled.

Everyone look so puzzled.

Seven stand "Objection, Dear president" he point out Ethan then talk again "Sir Andrew is our Physical Education teacher and he never hold any subjects other than P.E. So sir Andrew would never have a reason to misplace the original Physics test sheet" He oppose. Amber crosses her arms and lay at the wall like she was thinking deeply. Amber clears her throat "Or… Sir Andrew is the culprit!" Amber said makes everyone blow up their minds and think that it is possible.

Jae stand up and wave his head as a no "Look! Sir Andrew doesn't have any reason to take the test sheets." Jae went beside Ethan then Ethan nods. "Jae is right, and Yumi will make it more a hard evidence" Ethan look to Yumi, everyone is now waiting to what he will say. "Sir Andrew and Ms. Ash is close to each other, more like.. They look like more than close friends" Yumi said.

Everyone still didn't bite what Yumi said so they give him no choice. "If you went to the faculty and look to sir Andrew's desk, you will see a sheep staff animal. It was given by Ms. Ash as a Birthday present" Yumi said. Seven wave his head as a no and point his index finger to Yumi "Mr. Nam, how are you sure that the sheep staff animal were given by Ms. Ash? Do you have any proof or evidence to prove your accusation?" Seven opposes again.

"Ms. Ash is very fond to a Sheep animals, if you saw her phone, her phone has a sheep design. About the birthday present, I am sure that sir Andrew and Ms. Ash take a photo together with the sheep on that day they celebrate Sir Andrew's birthday" Yumi said. Everyone look to Ethan waiting for a signal. "Luna, please look on the evidence" Ethan approved and asked for Luna's participation. Everyone looks so tense if which side is going to win.

Luna open her phone and click the Outstagram app, she started to search Sir Andrews user name and look to his posts. She scroll down to the latest post of Sir Andrew's birthday. She scrolls for two more times and saw a post written by sir Andrew. Luna nod as she read the post and saw the picture of sir Andrew, Ms. Ash and the sheep. Luna let the others look to her phone to see sir Andrew's post.

"As you can see on his post, he also caption that the sheep was given to him by Ms. Ash" Jae smirk to Seven and Amber, Seven sigh while Yumi secretly smile glancing at Jae. "Mr. Seven Peterson, Do you have any other question?" Ethan asked. Seven wave his head as a no " As of now, I have nothing Mr. President. Thank you" Seven and Amber silently sit.

"According to the rumor, sir Andrew and Ms. Ash both have similar place to go. It's not yet accurate since it's a rumor but they say they went to a bar, before Ms. Ash take a five week break" Ethan said.

Everyone is look so puzzled again.

Yuri raise her hand.

" Mr. President, what will benefits us the Literature club to that mystery case?" Yuri asked and drinks her Strawberry milk. Ethan nods and Jae answer "As you can heard, we need-" Jae got cut by Amber. Jae stop and watch Amber stand up again "Objection, you're not Mr. President. Please refrain for answering the question" Amber said trying to look cool for Yuri, as soon as Seven saw what Ambers do he shook his head in disappointment. On another hand Jae looks so pissed to what Amber did. Luna stand up and tap Jae's back as a gesture for don't mind.

"answering the question, I plan to use the mystery case as a bait for sir Andrew. I will propose that we will investigate and find the culprit of the test sheet and in exchange he will be our Club adviser." Ethan said. Then look around waiting for any other question. Ethan look to Jae and let him continue the report about the mystery of the missing test sheets.

"continuing, Sir Andrew was assign to get all the test sheets from all the faculty teachers. Ms. Ash on the other hand was looks so burnt out , so Sir Andrew asked er for a drink before asking the test sheet. " Jae stop and everyone feel it was a cliffhanger. "We need to asked Sir Andrew to gain more information" Jae said.

They watch Ethan and Jae walk to the door "Please refrain and wait for my instruction, Jae and I will talk to Sir Andrew and give our proposal" Ethan said and they both leave the club room. Ethan and Jae went to the faculty room but they didn't saw him so they ended up looking at the gymnasium. They saw him sitting at the bench looking so down. They approach sir Andrew and Jae let Ethan talk to him.

"Good afternoon Sir" Ethan greets him, he just nod as a reply.

"Sir, would you be interested if you will be our club adviser?" Ethan tried himself to be more formal talking to him.

Sir Andrew sigh "Oh, about the vacation huh?" he said. Ethan and Jae smile nervously as sir Andrew knew already their motive. "I would love to help you guys, but I am afraid I have to reject your offer. You see I need to do something more important." Sir Andrew said and stand about to go somewhere. Ethan chase his phase "sir, we have a proposal for your problem and to our situation." Ethan said.

"we are interested for searching the culprit" Ethan said. Sir Andrew stop walking but his face still hesitating. Jae nods to Ethan as a signal. "As for the credits, We already solve the case for Benjamin.. Your grandma's sibling. I don't think solving this mystery will be hard for us." Ethan bargain. Sir Andrew face them "so what's for you guys then?" He asked what will be exchange to that. Ethan nods "If we able to find the culprit, please accept our invitation to be our club adviser." Ethan said and made sir Andrew chuckles. "It's a deal" he said.

Back to the club room.

The interrogation.

Everyone felt stiff as Sir Andrew is currently sitting at the teacher's table. Ethan, Jae, Yumi where seated on the left side of the teacher's table while Seven, Amber and Yuri seated on the Right side on the teacher's table. Luna and Bella seated at the back as a neutral alley. The club room was full of tension but no one tried to break each one momentum. Ethan stand up "Mr. Andrew thank you for accepting of our proposal, and we will begin to asked you some question." Ethan started.

Ethan sit and Seven stand up. "Mr. Andrew. What exactly happen before the test sheets missing" he asked. Andrew on another side tried to remember wat happen on the night at the bar. He place his both hands on the table and Other noticed it. "starting on that day, half of the teacher's starting to give me their finished test sheets. Since its about break time I hide it on the table." Andrew said. Amber Raise her hand and stand. "Mr. Andrew, Where is the exact location you happen to hide the tests sheets" she asked. Andrew scratch his head "I just place it on my desk, since it's a faculty. All the teachers there won't have any reason to steal from it" Andrew answered.

Ethan stand and look to Luna and Bella. "Girls, please asked the janitor if he saw anything suspicious happening inside and outside the faculty in break time, lunch time and dismissal time. Please take note the janitor saw students or teacher" Ethan said and they leave the club room.

"At the break time hour, is Ms. Ash give her test sheets?" Amber asked. Andrew wave his head as a no.

"Mr. Andrew by any chance, Have you checked the faculty room if any people secretly went to your things?" Amber asked again. But before Andrew can answer Jae suddenly raise his hand. "Objection, Ms. Amber". They all look to Jae as he was scrolling to his phone. "If your implying that there might be a person secretly steal the test sheets in the faculty, that will be impossible" Jae said. They look so puzzled looking to Jae. Jae sigh and stand up. "The faculty where Mr. Andrew located is in the fourth floor. Even though we can open the window in the faculty room, there won't be any person would try to crossed the window to reach the faculty just for the secrecy. If there might be, students will notice it since it's beak time. When it comes to the hallway, There are cctv's on the walls outside the faculty and janitors would notice them" Jae said.

Amber raised her hand.

"then what if It didn't happen in break time" Amber sked.. Ethan raise his hand to answer "our building is in front of soccer field and tennis field. They would have notice any person who will crazily crossed by the window just to get to the faculty room." Ethan answered.

Seven raised his hand to asked some question to Sir Andrew " Mr. Andrew, do you perhaps told to a student that you are in charge for getting the test sheets?" Seven stand. Andrew wave his head as a no " you see it is one of the things we need to censors to the students. The student should have no idea about the passing the test sheets. I mean it should be confidential, that thing should only for teachers. So it's a no" Andrew answers. Seven raise his hand again.

"How about your co-teachers? Did you notice anything or problems to them?" Seven asked. Sir Andrew pause for a moment to remember what happen on the faculty room. He remembers that some of the teachers were getting ready for the outing for the club event so they talk about how they manage to finish their test sheets despite they are a club adviser. Then suddenly he reminds of Ash, she is acting not to herself since she felt burnt out for that work load she has.

" Well, I noticed Ms. Ash condition, she felt more tired and can't even focus on her work" Andrew answers. Ethan and others look to each other as if they found some juicy information. Yumi raise his hand for a question " Do you perhaps know what it cause Ms. Ash such behavior?" Yumi asked. Andrew suddenly raised his right eye brow. "This question is more personal towards Ms. Ash, is this still included?" Andrew said. Ethan stand and answer him "Mr. Andrew, it seems Ms. Ash can be a potential suspect for our investigation, please trust us and answer the question" Ethan said.

"Well, Her father has been hospitalized for over two weeks and still not showing the sign of getting better. His father has a heart failure and need some operation. To her part, it's more stressful to her since she doesn't have any family except her father. The stress for paying the medication and taking care of his father is so heavy, added by her situation as a teacher with piles of works really sets her at the corner. So she demand a 5 days leave for resting and taking care for her father" Andrew explain.

Jae raise his hand "Mr. Andrew, your situation with Ms. Ash and the missing test sheets were a hot news in the campus, So stated by the rumors, The time before Ms. Ash spend her 5 days leave…. Di you and Ms. Ash went to a bar?" He asked. Andrew suddenly blushed in embarrassment. Ethan and others smiles in shock and look to each other, given by what Sir Andrew's gesture… he and Ms. Ash have something romantic going on.

"W-well, given that gesture you answer us as a yes. Mr. Andrew wat happen to you with Ms. Ash at the bar?" Jae asked again. By the time Jae finishes the question Ethan and others blush unintentionally. They saw Sir Andrew blush even more. Jae shook his head blaming his suspicious constructive word.

OH NO! we don't need to know your steamy night with Ms. Ash… Jae thinks.

SHIT! THIS IS 18+ should we cover our ears?... Seven thinks.

Yumi's expression was blushing but was intrigue what happen to them, when Jae saw Yumi's expression he immediately pinch Yumi's cheeks to stop it. Jae clears his throat " P-please try to tell us what happen but delete the part… when you and Ms. Ash have a steamy night" Jae said but that cause Sir Andrew more embarrassed affecting everyone..

GOSH! I WANT TO DIE!!!! Jae thinks.