18-I should be able to choose who I want


My legs ached as I entered the cab again. My eyes sparkled in happiness when I recollected the way I taunted Ashley. Her lips seduced me to make a move and I didn't want to do it without her consent so I touched her hand and waited for her to receive it while I settled for her neck and she responded well to my delight.

But why did I feel an ache in my heart when that man called Mason stepped into the bakery shop and why did Ashely's eyes lit up like a flame when she saw him?

I was far more handsome and muscular than he was but he had that innocent boyish look that I didn't have.

I was planning only to work at the bakery for a day or two and then pretend to be sick with a contagious flu but the way the customers kept trooping in, admiring my hair and my looks and the smell of the pastries wanted me to stay for a little while and play along.