22-Deception and Divorce


"What are you doing here? Is Joe working late again? Shouldn't you be on bed rest? " I asked while passing a blended mango juice to Elena.

"Shouldn't you be glad about my arrival?" Elena spoke while patting her belly, "Luciano is...."

We both laughed at the same time as I reminsiced on the name, "Luciano" that I often said anytime I rubbed Elena's stomach.

"Joe is working overtime again and I feel alone." Elena admitted, "So I'm sleeping over, if that's alright with you. "

"It's alright. Why wouldn't it be?" I chuckled again.

I took a sip out of my juice and placed the glass cup on the table carefully.

"Have you heard from Lucy?" I questioned. That question that was bugging to be asked. I just wanted to know if Elena was still helping her with her expenses.

"Yes." Elena took another gulp of the juice, "And it's" Mum" not " Lucy "

"And?" I lifted up a brow while tapping a finger against the other.