46-Crazy Matilda


"Save me. " That word kept echoing in my mind for the rest of that morning. Matilda was carried to the royal physician while I maintained a distance from that wing of the palace.

Holding a bottle of water, I sighted Ruby coming toward me.

"What happened? I saw Matilda being checked by the physician." she crossed her arms above her chest.

"A horse startled her," I said, crossing my legs, "And we never even got to go on our horse-riding date. "

"And you don't have anything to do with that, either?" Ruby asked.

I scoffed and nodded my head afterward.

"Why don't you come out clean and ask me directly without all these questions?" 

She settled down on the bench beside me and tilted her body to face me.

"Rose came back and now this, " she said, "Is it just a mere coincidence?"

I bent, interlocking my fingers and letting my lips curve into a witty smile while staring at her.