48-Is it Nadia?


"Is this necessary, my Prince?" Daniel asked while leading me through the dark passageway that led to another route, of the palace.

"Yes, it is. " I stuffed the bread that Gordon pushed into my arms in the morning. While we walked slowly, I remembered that breakfast was dull and slow. My mother didn't say a word while eating, it seemed like she had a lot to say. Ruby on the other hand was quiet at the table and kept asking for more food.

Eli and his wife, Eugene ate at their cottage but Rose, I tried to speak with her by passing an apple and making jokes but she ignored me and went towards the royal garden. I was certain that she skipped breakfast with her parents. 

A servant was kind enough to tell me that Matilda was still asleep and I didn't get to see my father at the table as an added perk.