53-Narnia, Secrets and Pity?


"What happened to James? Tell me. " I asked my mother, sitting on the bench.

"He was involved in a mild disagreement and got injured. He's been cared for at the military base near Midon. " My mother voiced out slowly, taking the paper from my arms. 

I rubbed my hands across my face, wondering how and why James would get involved in a disagreement in the first place. Anytime we argued as kids or adults, James was always the first to pull out of it, no matter what.

"What disagreement? James doesn't involve himself in fights. " I stated. 

"He crossed the red zone," My mother looked at me, "Everyone is forbidden from crossing over to Narnia's red zone. They said he was trying to stop a Narnian soldier from hurting a horse who went astray. "

"What red zone? Why did Narnia do that?" I questioned my mother.