81- Sibling and Cookies


I sat on a bench in one of the royal gardens in the palace while munching on an apple. Rose's words about Matthew smiling at her sent me reeling into a deep thought.

Why would Matthew smile at her?

I then scoffed on remembering that Eugene ordered me to leave the cottage while I turned to look at Rose with a promise to return.

My thoughts were distorted by Daniel who passed me a blue napkin to wipe my lips. He stretched out his hand to take what was left of the apple I was eating but I didn't let me have it and I thanked him for the napkin instead. 

"Madam Clarissa is with your mother as we speak. " Daniel announced as I turned to look at him.

"Why?" I asked.

"It's about your, " Daniel paused to tilt his head and clear his throat, "-about you avoiding her, my prince."

"That's amazing. Is that all?" I remarked.


I took in a deep sigh as I patted the hard black bench that I was sitting on.