95- Bite marks


I licked my lips as I sat on a bench while watching the sun set. I touched my cheeks still in awe of what had happened. 

I just had sex with Leo...in the storage room. My cheeks flushed red when I recollected how he stroked my hair after, gazing into my eyes as if I was the most beautiful thing ever. I lolled my head to the side, with my hands by my sides.

I stretched my hands towards the sky, smiling brightly as if I had won a race. I rose from the bench several minutes later and began to head home.

I then began to wonder if I should begin to ask Leo about questions regarding himself. I let my hands drop by my sides as my heart raced faster.

The sound of vehicles moving across the road didn't faze me however the recollection of my moments with Leo kept replaying themselves.

I remembered his hands and lips on my neck, the way he held my hips and my waist and the euphoria I felt when he stroked my wetness.