
Alex had the urge to kill someone again. His eyes began deeper as he continued to stare at his name and even a small portrait was drawn beside him. But rather than his face and body, 5 thin lines are drawn that were attached with a small circle.

He did not used to draw like that even when he was three years old. She was definitely messing with him.

He did not care about the sign of the old man who had signed it but his name and that ugly drawing.

His cold eyes burned up with terrifying flames and bore a hole into the contract.

The knights who were looking from afar walked closer. Though they were scared of the anger of their master, they could not hide their curiosity anymore.

They all wanted to see what their master was looking at for so long.

They thought that they would leave after this drink but they decided to stay now. Watching their master suffer and be teased was better than sleeping alone at home.

But just as they thought they were going to enjoy a show, they were thrown into the abyss.

"Since you all have so much free time i want you to send all of the injured bodies to the physician near the lavender plaza in an hour and then clean this place completely so that it can be used by us in the morning


"And if time is left, run 10 laps and start your training so that you will be prepared for sparring with me."

".........." they are doomed! With no tears to spare, they left the room afraid that if they would spend a second longer, they would be punished further.

"What do you need?" just as his knights left the room and only two were left there, Alex asked Olivia without beating around the bush.

But his words only brought a grin on her face who seemed to be amused by his words. As if his bone chilling aura did not work on her at all. And she would not notice his fiery eyes.

"What would I need? You are the one who called me here again and again. I only came as I felt bad for the old man."

"Heh!" Once again she saw him snorting at her. It was clear that he did not believe any word spoken by her and would continue to dig if she would not confess the truth.

"And I thought that you would offer good money."

"......" money again! From the time he had met, she had either flirted with him or had asked for more money. Just how greedy she was to never get satisfied with the money he offered. And how many others had she robbed the same way!

His hands reached to his pocket and he took out another bag full of gold coins and threw it on the ground.

The bag landed near her feet but she did not bow to pick it up but her eyes turned colder.

The casual and carefree look in her eyes subsided and something darker took its place for a second before she laughed and the dark and dominating aura disappeared again.

"That is more wealth that you can think of getting. Now get lost and do not cross paths with me again. I did not want to see your face or want you to meet my comrades." his tone was filled with disgust as if he was looking at something filthy.

He did not meet his eyes again as he was tired of her tricks. Normally, he would have been indebted to her for saving his life in the dark forest and would have given him more than she could ever think of but the way she was behaving, he could not bear it anymore.

He hated greedy people like her who did not care about anything but money and turned his head away as he started to feel further infuriated.

Too bad that her personality was rotten. Or else she could have been a great knight.

Olivia could read all his expressions. He was looking at her with contempt and was not even trying to hide it.

"Then I will not stand in the ceremony!" She bent and picked up the coins and walked out of the gambling house before her true emotions could take better of her.

Just two weeks ago, more than hundred servants were serving her and had given more than ten times than this as charity and now just a head of the knights dared to look down on her.

If only he knew who she was then she would have asked him to insult her this way. She knew that he had knowingly thrown the gold coins instead of passing them to her.

He wanted to have the satisfaction of watching her humiliated face, but when had she given the satisfaction to others to enjoy at her expense.

The grin she had shown to him had the perfect reaction she wanted.

Alex continued to stand where he was! He was the one who had insulted her but looking into her eyes what he was feeling.. Unnerved.

A strange feeling and humiliation was clawing his heart and strange thoughts started to form in his mind. Like running behind her and telling her that he was… sorry?

He frowned as he realized he was thinking nonsense and he didn't like when his emotions were not in his control.

Picking up the sword on the table, he walked out where his team members were staring at the blank space, he was sure that was the road where Olvia had disappeared to but the thought only made him suffocated..

Pulling the collar of his shirt, he muttered, "why are you all standing there like statues, haven't i assigned work to you all?"