Escort her.

"You are alive?" The words came out with so much pain as he felt a lack of air in his body.

He struggled to hold her hand but his eyes were blurry and his hands were too heavy for him to move.

The woman laughed and the look in her eyes was bone chilling. Where had gone the meek woman who did not dare to raise her head in front of their master.

"Yes, me! Are you not glad that you have finally found me? You were here to meet me, right?" she spoke in a soft voice as if she was touched that he had gone to great length while looking for her.

"Alan.. he would come find you and kill you when he would find me dead." These were the last words that escaped his mouth as his eyes got blurry and his vision started to dark.

"Oh! Do I look so cruel to you that I separate good friends? You do not need to worry about him. He is already waiting for you in hell so that you could enjoy your penance together. Have a happy and safe trip to hell." Oli laughed, her laughter was no less than the eerie sound that was coming from the depth of hell to pull him there.

But it was too late, his eyes closed and so as his body turned limp. Oli stared at his dead body for a long time. She was still burning from rage and fury. There was no way that killing these two knights could be enough for her revenge.

She would only be at peace when she would kill their new master, the murderer of her parents but for that she needed more power.

The face of Alex flashed past her eyes when the thought of being stronger crossed her mind. She had seen how the whole town looked up at him with respect as if he was their god.

She had done some background checks and came to know that he was their hero. Not only had he ended the three year long war but he had also made sure that their empire lived happily.

Not only this one but all the 50 towns in the empire look up to him. He often takes rounds and spends some time in all of them to make sure that no ruffian, gambling house, red light area or any kind of crime take their roots in the empire.

He was their savior, their god! If only, she could ask him to be her savior too.

No! She stood up abruptly from her seat. She did not need a savior. She would take her own revenge. If she would tell truth, she would be taken as a foreign slave or what if they decided to return them to Sonarise empire to avoid another war.

Alex would only think of the wellbeing of the people of his empire. Why would he help her?

She heard the sound of footsteps coming from the other side of the room and jumped out of the window. A sharp shriek and then sound of more footsteps could be heard. Lights were lit and others were collected in front of the dead body. But she was already at the front door.

Getting one with the darkness of the night in her black cloak that covered her face, she jumped the wall and left the inn. Her eyes are vigilant looking for any sign of danger. It was past midnight and the path only had a few men who were staring at her with strange eyes.

Women did not wander at this time and right now her long dark hair and gown give her true identity as a woman. She did not want to drag the identity of Olive in case they reach Ophelia.

The sound of the neighbor alerted her as her hands reached to her dagger. She held it tightly as she moved faster but she could not outrun the horse.

"My lady, are you lost?" this voice! She knew it too well. It was the voice of the man she was recalling just a few minutes ago but what was he doing here? There was no way that he could have gotten the news so fast. It had only been a few minutes since she had killed the man.

"My lady, you do not need to be scared. I am a knight. You might find me impolite but I was just worried since I saw you walking alone at this hour.

The place may seem safe but you could never be too careful!" Was he concerned about her? Didn't they say that he keeps his distance from women!

Why was he so worried about her!

She heard him jumping from the horse and walking closer to her. Ha! Show off. He could have stepped down slowly too. Who was he trying to impress?

"Where is your home and where are you going so late at night?" Why was he asking her so many questions? Was he suspicious of her? Or had he recognized her face?

Though she had worn the wig to make her hair dark and used makeup to make her face look darker, she was still her. She adjusted the cloak on her face and lowered her head further.

"I.. I do not have any place to go. Someone told me there is an inn nearby. So, I went there. I am an artist that came looking for work here.

I didn't mean to create trouble sir knight. You do not need to care about someone like me. I will find my way." she bowed her head as she spoke in the meekest voice that she used when she was betrothed to that monster. She was a master at acting meek and a weak lady that she was sure would not find anything amiss. She tried to run away from there but he and his horse were covering her path.

"I am not getting troubled by my lady. But you are walking in the wrong direction. The inn is on the other side. I am going there too. Come with me and I will be your escort."
