Take Off Your Shirt!

Alex had left the room since he thought she would be hungry but more than that he wanted to see if she would try to touch his things.

The room that was left pitch dark started to show shadows which he noticed when he returned with food.

He stopped in his tracks and leaned his ears to the door when he heard the rustling of papers. That was it! He was finally going to catch Oliver red handed.

He opened the door and asked what he was doing when Oliver turned abrupt.

Though it was for a fraction of a second, he noticed the fair belly button of the man. Under the soft glow of a candle in the dark room, Alex had an illusion that her skin was too fair and supple.

Her waist was leaner than it looked through shirt and it was… wait! What is he even thinking?

Alex closed the room's door again and leaned on it. Was he just staring at a man changing clothing?

Not only that he was even imagining holding that waist! Had he really gone sick?