[Bonus chapter] Kiss Could Never Be Better

Oli had never kissed before, but since the time she had an argument with Alex, she felt a strange feeling churning in her heart.

She wanted to tell him that it was okay, she would never hurt him. But that would be a lie! In the end, she could not keep her still, so she kissed him.

But for her kissing only meant touch of lips, and she was sure that she did it well. But he held her neck and pulled her back closer to his lips and then kissed her again.

This was not the kiss she knew about, she felt his lips opening and sucking her lower lips and she felt her whole body shut down at that moment. 

The background ceased, the sound of knights running all around was gone! Even her own brain shut off after a long while. Only the beat of his heart was the music continued to sing in her ears.

When she thought that he would let go, he bit her upper lips earning a gasp from her. He used this chance to enter her mouth.