Alex Killed Mark?

Lucas looked at the smashed condition of the bar and then at the number of injured people. This place looked like a mess. Did Mark call her to see this?

He frowned at the idea but still entered with a cold look on his face. He did not want to give Alex another chance to insult him. He had cleared that to Mark as well.

  But that hot blooded man did not understand that all. He wanted to smash his head and see what was inside it.

He clenched and unclenched his fist to keep his anger in check as he walked in.

Many were cleaning the broken furniture while others were helping in taking the injuries to the physician.

He swept a glance to the whole area but Mark was not there. No one was there in fact except some drunkards who looked like locale.

His eyes turned darker as he continued to stare at this place. If it had been Mark doing, he would have been staring at the door to brag about it but he was nowhere to be seen.