Was There Blood?

"I mean he is too cold and broody. So, let me take the order for you." she said with a gentle smile on her face, "girls like you should smile more and stay at ease." she gently tucked the hair of the girls behind her back and smiled.

The smile was full of softness and the kind that raised Alex's head. The girl lowered her head and her face flushed hard.

He laughed coldly. 

"You will. Thank you!" smiled the girl with a blooming face as her face turned redder, "then.. This is the booklet." 

Oli smiled, "that is not needed, you can bring the soup and one dish with vegetables and other with the meat with a lot of fresh bread. We are not picky eaters." her fingertips circled around the booklet the waitress had given her but she only flipped the pages and returned the book to her, surprising her.

"Oh! Are you too together?" That surprised the girl. One was a cold iceberg while the other was the breeze of fresh air. They both were completely opposite.