His Two Marriage Partners

"Do you want me or the seat?" 

Was she really just talking about the dining seat?

Gabi had an ominous feeling in her heart but at the same time she felt a burning sensation all over her body when she stared at the challenging looks of Oli again and again.

If it would have been any girl, she would have still understood that Alex was going through the time when he would have physical desires.

She had tried her best to take care of her face and her body all this time so that he would start looking at her like he used to do in the past.. But they still have more than a decade of age difference.

Was that not the reason he was hesitant in accepting her advances? 

But what in the world was he thinking when he chose Oli, a man?

There was no doubt that Oli was more beautiful than handsome, she exuded sexiness and charm with her pointed face and that bright green eyes but in the end, he was still a man.