The Threat


"Ha!" Alex stood up and glared at the woman who was trying to assure him. 

She had done it when he was a child too. Asking one of her maid to kill herself after writing a suicide note when she had offered him to take out while she was visiting her hometown.

He could still imagine the vivid scene. Gabi had held his hair and forced him to see the scene where a young girl was crying miserably and stabbed herself.

She had told him that he was naive and foolish. And only then did he realize that he was no match to her.

"I am not as weak as I used to be. I will not fall for your truck now. That maid.." he closed his eyes again as his jas ticked.

The vivid face of that maid smiling before she died passed once again his eyes. "I did not kill her but you did."

There he said it at last. It took him half a decade to say so. But..