I Like Men

She turned to ask him when she saw his face looking nauseated, he was not even looking towards her.

"You.. you did not like hunting?" when he had asked her before, she never felt that it was too severe.

"I do not understand why humans need to kill other living beings for fun!" he shook his head leaving her at a loss of words.

A crown prince that did not like hunting? That also a strong knight.. Who would believe it? But now that she was looking at him, he was just like the Alex she knew.

He could not even bear to be unfair against animals.

"But.. we do eat them." she said slowly when he frowned, 

"Are you mixing necessity and fun?" 

The next game was found quickly. It was another fox with reddish brown fur.

It ran away, wagging its thick tail, but was hit by her arrow.

As the servant didn't come to pick it up on time, it struggled for more time turning the whole grass red.