[Bonus chapter]

Schoder played the boxes on the table and nodded his head.

  He was expecting her to be waiting for him. She nodded back and they both walked towards the kitchen again. That was the most silent room in the whole three storey building.

She took a seat and pointed at the other for him to take.

He said as he took a deep breath,

"I did not intend to take the money. I have already rejected it when they offered me. I know that they were here to ask for my secret but at the same time I know that they were kind people. I can not and will not take their benefit since I can not offer them what they want. You do not need to worry. I will find a way to return the money and I will keep my lips sealed till I die." 

His eyes were filled with sincerity and worry was filling his face when she sighed and closed her eyes.

Corner must have been disappointed in her when she chose to hide the truth. Would he ever understand that it was to save what was left!