[Bonus chapter]

All of them attacked him at once this time to get rid of him but Tavern was already ready for it.

He crouched on the ground and then kicked one of them while throwing the dagger on the other.

When the third tried to attack him, he held the man and pushed him away while still trying to attack on the one he had kicked before.

This time when the man tried to attack him, he attacked his shin tightly and then stood up. 

He gave one roundhouse kick to the last one and then threw him away.

"Why did you take her?" he asked the man holding him by his collars when he tried to struggle.

"I asked why did you attack her?" his voice grew intense when the man did not reply and he threw him to the wall with his eyes desiring for blood.

"Tell me or I am going to burn all of you alive." he shouted again in a low voice as he stared at her but he got unconscious before he could reply and blood started to flow from his head.