Did She.. Die?

More tears came out of her eyes as she bid Amber goodbye who was coughing blood and looking at Oli with a gaze full of shock, anger and disbelief till the end.

Grace smirked when she heard the sound of shriek from the room. She had already walked closer to the room and was about to reach their door when footsteps of marching knights took her attention and she frowned.

She was about to scold them for breaking her way when her eyes widened. Alex was standing in front of her.

Thank goodness all his attention was on the door, so he did not notice her.

He opened the door and entered when the chaos increased.

She heard a few voices shouting and breaking things. She tried to peek closer but failed because three of his men were following him and had covered the door completely.

In a few minutes, he came out with Amber in his arms and she paused and scanned her body.