[Bonus chapter]

"Cedric!" the man from the maternal family of Alex's mother? "Why is he here?" thinking that he had finally convinced Leo, Charles smiled.

"What else, he is here to take revenge for the death of his sister. Do you not know? He had invaded the palace of the emperor of the Sonarise empire and killed him. He was the son of the duke, the founding member of their empire, one of the most loyal families of their empire yet he did not think twice before killing the family of the emperor. I have even heard that the princess was his fiance yet he strangled her to death with his own hands." his face was full of disgust when Leo felt amused even if he was hurt.

"You are saying he is dangerous because he had killed his fiance?" asked Leo and when he saw his father nod, he added, "then what about the man who had killed his wife? The mother of his two children?" ha! He could not believe that he was having this kind of conversation with his father.