Still Love Her

Aurora narrowed her eyes at the woman who was straddling Cedric and kissing him.

For a second she had thought that she was forcing him. Her uncle was so kind that he must have not been able to refuse.

But looking at the grin on his face, it did not look like the case. She felt embarrassed for shouting a second ago and lowered her head.

"I apologize for coming at the wrong time. But please lock the door next time." She took a step back when Oli pushed the man away.

"It is not like that Our.. princess! I apologize for the confusion." Oli walked towards the door but Cedric did not say a word.

"Aurora, I am a bit busy. I will visit your chamber after an hour. If it is fine?" the girl nodded hesitantly. She was embarrassed, so she left hurriedly.

Oli glared at him but she did not attack him. She kept staring at him when he laughed.