[Bonus chapter]

In the royal meeting room,

"Your majesty is not here, your highness?" asked Count Pierre with a look of relief on his face.

Last time, they were all on the verge of being thrown in the prison with Gabriel.

Alex was too much to handle when he is grumpy.

Leo smiled warmly, like a family, that put them at ease. He is a kind and benevolent man.

"Yes, your majesty has an urgent task to attend to. And I am a financial advisor. So, it would be fine if i precede the meeting." 

He glanced at Evelyn who nodded her head.

"We are here because the empire thinks we should increase our production. We might get a lot of export orders from the Sonarise empire. Since the tumultuous war was still affecting them.

Not to forget that their emperor had left the empire a month ago and had no mood of returning. You must know they will be deteriorating. It is a good chance for us to strengthen our empire.