[Bonus chapter]

"You are not allowed in the royal palace." The knights stripped Oil in front of the main entrance.

"No one can enter the palace without invitation or pass. Though the carriage had Count Ornus insignia, you are not from the family of count.

Oli had already expected this much. She tapped her fingers on the windowsill. Her ruby ring shone under the sunlight.

The knight was about to scold her for still standing there when his eyes widened.

The door was opened hastily and her carriage moved in. Instead of going to the central palace, she went to the opal palace of the first princess.

The knights were shocked to see her there. But before they could stop her, she raised her hands and the ruby ring shone again.

The knights bowed their heads instantly and let her pass. 

It took her only a few minutes to find her way to the patient's room. She smiled at the door when she noticed Aurora sitting beside the patient's bed and crying her heart out.