[Bonus chapter]

"Why did you permit him for a trial, your majesty? What if he proved that it was his majesty? I am sure his love for your majesty would have died after what he died." 

Oli smiled when Tavern addressed them formally. 

"You have followed Alex for so long yet you are still so cute." she laughed with joy when he flinched. 

"...." 'I know you are only calling me a fool!'

"Do you think a proud man like Cedric could stand an open trial? I know that he would want to punish Alex for what he did. Not because his obsession had died. But he thought it was only fair to teach a lesson to a rude child.

After listening to his part of the story , I am sure that he is twisted. For him, he was a god who had the right to decide everyone's fate. And he was doing a favor on them by deciding their line of action. People like him could not understand the reason.