[Bonus chapter]A Web Far Complicated

"Now it is time to bring the coffin." announced the priest and everyone stood up including Alex.

His eyes were full of dark circles and he looked exhausted when Leo paused. 

Albert had come with Felix and they had sung the memory of their father. But he did not have any idea what else he needed to look for? He could see Aurelia, Aurora and Camelia sitting on the balconies with the first queen.

The maid had already informed him that the second queen is sick and Amber is taking care of her mother.

They all were fine. Yet the warning of Oli was ringing in his ears like bells.

"Wait!" He shouted when everyone frowned. The priest looked at him with a glare. His impatience showed by the way he stomped his feet.

"What is it this time?" Did the prince take burial rites as a joke? Did he feel no pain at the loss of his father?

Leo raised his head again. Evelyn's seat was empty, which meant she was still looking for Olivia.