Chapter 153 | This is going to be fun!

A/N; To everyone who is wondering, there's a lot of things happening at the same time with the baby arc. So, wait and enjoy I guess! Happy reading :))



| @Username.copied

I can't believe Ian got someone pregnant. Who'd have thought the young director was actually a fricking womanizer? Most trending- #womanizer



Fuck! Ian Renner! I don't even know if I'm allowed to curse here or what, but like… Fucking around when he has his own daughter in line? Not knowing about it? No wonder he banged many actresses! #womanizer #ianrenner #nonsense


I agree there were a lot of…. A LOT OF actresses in line with the whole drama of Ian Renner. But we still gotta wait and see until the trial… The last time everyone 'accused' him of being a racist, it was proved wrong right-handed! #patience


Ian was once proved innocent, and I'm team Ian for all the right reasons! Although after he got caught with so many actresses and girls in his bed, he kissed actresses like Hazel… Eh! Wait and watch, i suppose?

The media was going crazy all over again after Ian Renner. The premeditative hearing from the court had gone through ears and now was a complete mess.

This also meant that there were going to be different kinds of people who would support Ian as well as people who'd want to dig down into the scene and make more scenarios out of it.

"I can't believe these comments!" Henry said while looking and reading the comments as his eyes widened in terror, just as if he was met with the scariest thing ever.

"More than half of the people judge Ian's character based on what the stories were about him before, like, how he slept with actresses, how there's the greater possibility of Sarah's story proving true."

Niko and Raelynn looked face to face, and Niko nodded at Rae signaling, 'It's going to be alright.'

There were just the three of them, and already they were quite terrified of what the possible outcome of the trial would be.

It wasn't due yet to anytime sooner, which also made things much harder.

If Ian was proved innocent, Ian and everyone else who was included with his could just go on with their lives as if nothing has happened, but apparently,

"It's too much to even ask for a fucking DNA so he could prove that the" Niko took a breath, "Pretty little girl is not Ian's. Urgh, why does she have to be so pretty though?!" he shrugged in defeat.

"Look, we can't do much. Within three hours, there's going to be the premiere of Resident Evil, and two days from now on, the shooting of Marriage Story is about to come to an end, I bet if we're thinking so hard about this, Ian must be feeling twice or maybe thrice the things that we're thinking-"

"Harley, you're right." Raelynn cut off him by the middle. "I think, it's better if we act normal and support Ian. How hard could that be now?"

"He is coming," Niko mumbled as Ian walked in.

"Good morning, how is everyone doing?" Ian asked with a smile and looked at everyone.

Although his entire appearance looked as if he hadn't gotten any sleep, his smile showed way more than what anyone could have assumed.

"We're fine- Great. What about you, Ian? Why do you look as if you haven't had a proper sleep in eons?" Niko questioned.

"I started working on a new script. I guess it's time I move on with work, a premiere, shooting, and then a new movie… There's a lot to do, heck, maybe even a baby," Ian said and chuckled.

He was trying to make a joke, but the awkward smile that came out from Raelynn showed how bad the joke was circumstantial.

"Anyway, what do we have today?" Ian asked.

Thus, the meeting they had planned to discuss the marketing and everything else related to Marriage Story continued.


The evening arrived sooner than anyone expected.

Among the chaos, and every other possible word and whisper going around related to Ian, he still had to join the premiere considering the movie was a part of Renner Studios and being distributed by them.

The flashes and cameras went on and off while Ian walked out of his car and onto the red carpet.

"Fancy seeing you here!" A director with a thick British accent walked toward Ian and hugged him while patting his shoulder.

"Nice to see you too, how were things going?" Ian asked while still smiling at the cameras.

"They have been going quite great. I was thinking of meeting you too, Mr. Renner. I have an idea of collaborating with the Renner Studio if it's possible…."

The director went on talking more and more about the movie idea, which distracted Ian from the negative sort of attention he received from the paparazzi.

"Ian! Ian! Director Ian! Can you please answer our question? We have one question!"

"Yes, please! Look this way! Is it true that you're a father? How do you feel about all of this? Were you aware before or is this as new as it is for us?! Mr. Renner! Please answer our qu-"

"Mr. Ian Renner, the idea of Resident Evil was inspired and created by your original book Resident Evil which was a survival thriller, how does it make you feel when it's finally being released on the big screen?"

Ian turned to look at the pretty lady who threw a question that was worth answering, finally.

"Hello there, it has been a great honor and pleasure working with Ms. Angela Bird, and not to mention how talented she truly is, it's such a wonderful idea how she came up with the storyline herself.

What makes me more excited was, after reading her script, which was originally inspired by my fiction, the script is beyond compare. It truly is something, and I'm looking forward to watching the very marvelous job, thank you!"

Ian said while again, the cameras and flashes went off.

"Ian Renner, what are your thoughts on the movie?"

"I still haven't watched it, so I'm holding my hopes for the execution of it. But I can say that I'm truly excited for everyone to watch Resident Evil, which could become a great movie,"

"Do you have any plans to extend or create a franchise on this? Resident Evil… Many people were waiting for you to continue to make it a video game or some sort, what do you've to say about that?"

"Currently, I'm very busy with my ongoing projects, and also I've many exciting things to show everyone, but yes, that's a good thought that came to my mind."

"There's hope?"

"There is."

"Thank you so much, Ian!"

The reporter let go of Ian, and he walked towards the large board which consisted of the names of the sponsors of the movie.

He stood tall and handsome in front of all the cameras, and the clicks and sounds of the cameras made hundreds of sounds in a second.


Like every other celebrity, Ian walked inside the theatre which was decorated with many posters, and decorations to suit the theme of a survival thriller.

He sat down in one of the reserved chairs, and there were already many directors, actors, and actresses filling the empty chairs of the theatre.

"I'm waiting for the movie to start! Can't wait! Angela is truly capable," A woman with short hair which resembled a lot of Angela talked.

The resemblance was truly magnificent as Ian found himself staring at her.

"I'm Martha Bird, you must be Ian Renner?"

"That's what I was wondering. I thought that I'm too excited just like you, to watch the movie that I'm starting to find a clone of Angela Bird. And yes, I'm Ian Renner!"

"Your face is all over the television."

"Tell me about it," Ian said in annoyance.

"Ian, well, I know all the words that need to be said to console you must've reached out to you by now, but this case is similar to what happened to Angela. And now, I couldn't be more proud of her. Lifting herself back again, doing what she loves to do. I won't advise you much, but I hope you don't back out on this, fight for what you must," she said, and then before Ian could reply, the entire audience went silent as Angela walked up the stage.

"Hello everyone! I'm Angela Bird, the director of the movie, Resident Evil, which would unravel its glory in no time. Before anything, I've got to thank, Mr. Ian Renner, who played a major role in creating the characters I gave life to. The book, I was a huge fan, and it was something I need to appreciate every possible chance I get. Also, mister producer, Mr. Mason Striver.

Including all of them, and my husband, Jackson Corealla, I couldn't have done anything without your support. So, thank you everyone, and last but not least, I hope everyone enjoys the movie to your core!" She said and walked off the stage.

The premiere of Resident Evil started while all the mouths and eyes opened at the start of the movie itself.

"This is going to be fun," Ian thought to himself as this was the first movie he watch, which was created by another director but also he had the original movie in mind.


A/N; Vote with powerstones! Top 50 = bonus chapter. (I'll increase the chapter release rate from October 7th. That's when my exams are ending.)