Chapter 163 | Who'd help Sarah?

[RGH News]

"Ian Renner won the court case against Sarah Tuesday.

After the trial that was conducted in the court of Law and Justice, California today morning, it had been proved by the DNA test that Lilian, Sarah Tuesday's daughter is not Ian Renner's daughter.

Ian Renner is not a father, nor he has a kid. The internet had been going over the board with their comments for the past month, but now, the entire world had been proven false.

The woman's name is Sarah Tuesday, and this is her story…"

"Zooming out…" The producer commanded her through the earpiece, and she continued to talk about Sarah's story.

"This is going to become the number one story, for at least a week more. I'm pretty sure," the sound director said while sitting across the little studio they shared.

"Gosh, is it just me or that Ian Renner literally gave stories ever since he was in Hollywood," another man who was among them talked about Ian.

"Hollywood is a dark place. You need lots of luck and backup to reach where Ian is right now. And I'm pretty sure, if he started solo without any help, especially from the producer, he'd be nowhere."



"How were the comments today? Anything interesting?"

"Well, everything is interesting," the person who had his laptop on his lap, the public relation manager, said. "Everyone who talked negatively about Ian Renner seems to still be in disbelief. And these comments are hilarious."

"I want to see, give me the iPad," the sound manager strode in toward the PR manager and took the device into his hand while scrolling through the internet.

"Wow… These people! I never thought Hollywood fans could be this much trolling on the internet."

The sound director and the PR manager walked outside the studio considering there were already airing a program inside.

"Have you heard that Ian Renner hadn't said a single word to any of the reporters who reached him?" the latter man asked the former.

"Yeah, he hadn't given out any sort of reply to anyone who asked questions, not even on social media. I mean, many celebrities post things on social media when there's something that harms their reputation. And this is weird," the sound director said while walking towards the lunch room, as the lunch break was near.

"There'd be news about his movies in the meantime too, ah,t his week is going to be interesting."


[Nwitter: It's what's happening]

There were so many hashtags trending related to the court hearing of Ian and Sarah.

| @YellowSnowman

IAN IS NOT THE BABY DADDY? Holy cow! I was so ready to get gifts from Ian's baby! This is disappointing! Also kinda feeling awesome to think that Ian ONCE AGAIN surpassed all the remarks thrown in his way! So hurray! #notababydaddy #ianwon #ianandsarahtrial #courtcase #hollywoodrocks

| @OP_Rah

I kind of feel bad for the baby. I Hope Sarah would figure something out! Ian as a father would be cute asf :) adopt me @Ian Renner #ianwon #shootnoice #ianian

| @Doorletterman.Joe

MEN LIKE IAN should know that even if the DNA confirms the baby is not yours, it doesn't change the fact that you must take responsibility for the baby! Women go through a lot in marriages and women deserve better. #ianisalooser #boohbummer #babytrouble

|@Sarah.official quotes @Doorletterman.Joe

Pardon ma'am. Hope you're doing alright in your life. But if Ian is not the reason behind the child, why must he take responsibility? Call child support, or just give up raising your kid. What you said is absurd, and as a woman, I do not approve that kind of shiz. #stopspreadingfalseinformation.

|@Lia.Leaf quotes @Sarah.official

Well said, gurl! #agreed Ian is not a father. Praying him to be my future kid's father #kiddingnotkidding


As always if there is 70% important information spreading on social media like Nwitter, the rest of it is just people fighting to get the spotlight, or people who simply get into drama out of boredom.

"These hashtags deserve Nobel prizes. How do people even come up with these?" Ian thought to himself as he scrolled down his home page, where there were so many nweets and comments about him.

"I think it's better if I keep checking them, you should focus on work," Maxin, who was Ian's PR manager, said while clicking his tongue.

"Yeah, you better. How are the ratings of Marriage Story? It isn't doing too well in the box office, isn't it?" Ian asked Mason.

The looks Mason gave to Ian explained a lot more than what Mason said.

"Yeah, but we'd get things back with Home Alone, hopefully. From tomorrow we'd be on the set for the next month, yeah?" Mason asked while Ian nodded.

From what Ian knew, Marriage Story had outdone when compared to the original movie's success, but also at the same time, if his reputation had been better, things would not have been this South.

"Excuse me, sir, Ms. Jass is here," Murphy interrupted and Ian brought his cup of coffee which he was sipping down to the table.

"Yeah, of course. Please tell her to come in," he said and stood up in respect.

"Mr. Ian Renner, how are you doing?" Jass walked in and shook hands with Ian.

"Please, I've been fine thanks to you, how are you?"

"All good, Ian. All good. So, I came to talk about something," Jass said and dragged the chair that was in front of Ian.

"Please," Ian gestured to the chair and they both sat in.

In Ian's office, Maxin, Mason, Ian's lawyer Jass and Ian were now seated.

"I filed another case against Sarah for her actions, because I think that would be the best as of now."

"Yeah, ma'am. I agree with it, but I'm pretty sure that the court wouldn't take a child off of mom's lookout." Mason budged in.

"That's true, but we have another worry, Mr. Striver. The loss that happened to Mr. Renner is immeasurable, so I guess the suit we filed against defamation is good. Not her, but not anyone who thinks they have the chance wouldn't take chances like this. I explained this to Ian the other day," Jass said.

She was being both professional and friendly with the matter. At the same time, Ian had more other questions to ask her regarding the rest of the procedure.


The very next day, Sarah got the subpoena for the court hearing of the case that had been filed against her, which was supposed to happen within three weeks.

As soon as she woke up to the little letter, her entire world was shaking.

After the trial hearing on the last day, she felt overwhelmed by all the questions that were focused on her while she walked out of the court.

Goof grief she was not an active member of the rather bomb-blasting social media community.

If she was—-well, let's not go there.

"What the hell should I do?" Sarah asked loudly from her friend who was equally shocked as her.

"Fuck, show me that once again…" she took the paper from Sarah's hand and read it carefully, over and over again.

"Defamation… Child protective services… Incapable of raising a child… These are big words, Sarah. Call your lawyers, the same people who tried to help you," Her friend said while looking at Sarah sincerely.

"Uh- I probably should."

[...] The next thing Sarah knows is that she was seated in front of the same lawyers, who once gave promises that they'd help with anything in their power to help Sarah.

But the looks on their faces this time, explain a whole different concept.

"...Miss Sarah," Grit said and sighed. "This is going to be very tough for you, we understand. But we can't help you much around this."

Sarah gasped at Grit's words. "What… What do you mean? What do you mean you can't? Y-You both agreed to help me the other day with this case! What are you saying?" Sarah asked.

"We can help you, but the pro-bono is not valid for this case. The prices would be the same if either one of us are going to fight for you, and as we all know, we are fighting against a defense with proof. It's going to be not easy," Grit explained.

She had to pay. That ranged bells in her head. She already owes the court five hundred dollars, and now this. Her entire world fell apart in front of her eyes.

"No please, you know I'm not stable financially, and that includes the fact that I can't pay, not for your rates, obviously. Help me, please," she almost begged.

"I'm sorry Ms. Tuesday. This is not what we had expected, we have to ask you to leave here," The other lawyer said while standing up.

It hadn't even been closer to thirty minutes since she got in here and already they were expecting Sarah to leave the law firm.

The two lawyers walked out of the office room, and Sarah was once again, alone.

The next possibility of getting out of the court without getting into jail was the last thing she thought she'd be able to do—Meeting Ian.


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