Chapter 173 | How was your night, ladies?

The party started and many people started filling in. Soon enough Ian and Scarlett went their separate ways and started talking to one person or another.

Ian reached a circle of CEOs from different companies and studios, and they started talking about business as soon as he joined.

"Wasn't it a pleasure to be in Hollywood and as well have a running studio that attracts eyes without hesitation?"

"Well, frankly, things could always take different routes, you know. Just like how Ian just came in here… He was literally a nobody two years back, and I've got to say, I'm impressed,"

Meanwhile, there were people who took a turn in the conversation regarding how Ian had come a long way since he was the novice one in the circle of conversation, some were interested in building any sort of business relationship that the man could offer.

"I mean, it's nothing new. So, what are your plans, Ian? I heard that the Renner Studios were on quite the hunt for some media outlets, Is it true?" one of them asked. "Oh, you may not know me, I'm Mac Edison. The CEO of RedHub."

"Well," Ian said as he took a slight sip from the champagne, and handed the man Mason's business card. "It is true. If you're interested, contact Renner Studios CEO, Mr. Mason Striver. He is handling all that, but the overall idea is that Renner studios are trying to expand into other avenues of business."

He said and shrugged.

Although he could get dead drunk tonight, he was not very confident in carrying out business on his own, so he was redirecting any attempts to Mason while trying to be as cordial as possible.

"Oh, that helps. You see, RedHub has recently brought in new management, and we are changing our vision. We'd be delighted to have a studio like Renner Studio's backing us up." The man continued after pocketing the card. "I will be sure to have my secretary give Mr. Striver a call. Have a pleasant evening Mr. Renner."

Ian nodded happily, as he continued mingling with people around him.

"Hi, I'm Reynold Wolf," a man with golden framed glasses, and who wore an orange-golden tie walked in front of Ian and shook hands with him.

Ian was polite to him in return, as he took his hand and shook hands. The first thing Ian noticed was how golden his belongings were—and that too, to a weird level.

"Nice to meet you. You're the CEO of the Gold Agency, am I right?" Ian asked back and he nodded.

"Yes, Mr. Renner, you are. And, I'd like to offer you something tonight, and that something could be beneficial for you and me."

"And, what is it that you're willing to offer?" Ian asked curiously, noticing how the man was dead serious.

Surprisingly, the entire circle went silent as they started talking. The man whom Ian knew for a long time was someone who had a huge acting agency. The agency had brought up stars that were unbelievably fit for so many movies in Hollywood.

Funnily, even the standards of the agency were so high that a normal actor or actress couldn't easily pass what the agency asks for.


After letting go of Ian, Scarlett noticed so many people that she had got to know in her short time in Hollywood.

In fact, there were a lot of them which also meant that she needed alcohol in her system to even think of dealing with the people that had so many things to offer her for the night.

Nothing weird, but during these sorts of parties, actors and actresses get quite a generous amount of requests and gigs.

As she walked down to the corner of the bar, she saw a very familiar figure chugging down alcohol as if it were the end of the world.

"And, guess who is trying to drown by the end of the night?" Scarlett said as she walked towards the B-graded actress, who successfully shook Hollywood with her acting in the blockbuster movie, Lovers are Losers.

"Not me, this is just my second shot. The first one wasn't just… you know," the lady with the pretty blue eyes explained.

"Mind if I sat here for a bit?" Scarlett asked as she got closer to her.

The actress nodded and shrugged. "For an introvert like me, the parties never sat well. But Jeff literally invited me personally, and eh, tell me who with a right mind would want to just dip on that invitation?"

"Not me, for sure. Working with Goofy can change your life. And to think we both walked into the industry at almost the same time."

"Director Ian changed your life as well, Scarlett. Look at you now. The girl who called me after crying on the side of the street is no longer to be found. And isn't that a great thing? Come on now, be grateful for what you have," the actress said and took another sip of the drink.

"That man is literally gawking at you, and it's giving me creeps. I have no idea what to do-"

"That's another mister who wants me to be in his thriller movie. But well, it's up to my agency. But, I better go say my hello before he spreads the news… Alexandra Daddario is rude! Oh my God! What a bitch!" she chuckled at her own words and rolled her eyes.

"All right, meet you right back here. I need some alcohol in as well," Scarlett said and she kept looking at Ian who was continuously talking to the people wearing suits.


"And, what is it that you're willing to offer?" Ian asked right back, looking at the guy, straight-eyed.

"As you know, I have one of the best agencies that any director could ever ask for. Basically, it is in the top three, and the actors and actresses who are signed with us get the best deals for the best movies. And, Ian, I could offer you a deal in the promise that you'd come to the RedHub, the first thing when you need actors or actresses," the man said, and surprisingly Ian's eyes raised in acceptance.

He had been thinking about a talent agency lately considering how much effort he had to put in every time there was a need to cast new talent.

He knew that with an acting agency, there was a higher possibility that he would get what he wants in a short period of time without having to put in extra effort.

"You know what, I actually like the idea. Nice to meet you, Mr. Wolf, though I'd advise you to get in touch with my CEO, Mason Striver. I tend to not conduct business when I'm drunk." He said and handed the man Mason's business card as well.

"That's a smart policy, Mr. Renner. I can see why you're so successful as you are. Hope to see you around," he said and walked away with a smug smile knowing that he probably achieved what he wanted.

Ian raised his glass as everyone did, and took a sip from it.

The lights of the main hall where everyone was started getting dim and as it was already halfway through the party, there were already people drunk and letting their secrets up in the air.

"Mr. Renner, I'm pretty sure you know about the M&M Studio," another man with a blue suit appeared out of nowhere.

"I'm sorry, but I don't. I'll see everyone around," Ian said and walked away while the others who were around the guy almost burst out laughing.

Note to self: Never use the same tactic the person before you did. It's not going to work. It never did, and it never will.


9.45 pm.

The clock started ticking loud and clear as the party was also getting loud.

Ian couldn't keep up with the conversation that he was having with the brunette, considering that she kept going on and on about how she had a massive breakdown during her very first audition.

"There was no way… No way I survived that! Gosh! Goshhh!" she said and wiped her fake sweat.

"Haha, I have seen those types of scenarios plenty enough to know what it makes you feel."

"I know right? Oh my God, you really understand what I went through.. I can't believe it, but I literally keep saying this to everyone!"

"Oh, I'm very sure of it," Ian mumbled to himself sarcastically and gulped down the last bits of champagne. "Be right back."

He walked away and down to the bar because he wanted to get away from everyone who looked as if they wanted something out of him, one way or another.

Five feet away from the bar, he saw Scarlett, and what he saw with Scarlett—specifically, whom he saw with Scarlett was someone who made him stop in his tracks.

His legs were feeling a bit too solid for his own good, and he looked left and right while his hand met with his little stubble that had grown for the past few days.

"What the actual fuck?" he asked himself as he saw the lady in front of him. "This should be… a fucking joke. Someone tell me, it's a joke."

'Oww!' As soon as the words left his mouth, a guy who stood to his left pinched Ian hard in his arm.

"Thanks," he mumbled and took steps to get closer to the two ladies who sat in the bar, laughing at a joke they had made.

Ian still couldn't believe his eyes as he found himself looking at her without a blink.

"You wanna say hi to her, Ian?" Scarlett asked as she noticed Ian looking at her as if he had seen a ghost.

"I'd love to," Ian said back and walked closer to her. "Nice to meet you…"

"Alexandra Daddario,"

'Fuck, I know!' he said to himself and nodded, being polite, and offered his right hand.

"I'm Ian Renner, how was your night, ladies?" he said as he looked left to right, and tried to take all of it in.


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