

"A, Agi?!" Virgo was startled to see him.

"Agi?" Pegasus noticed the big hat he knew very well.

"Why is he here?" He thought because their base was very far away.

"Hey, it's been a long time, huh, since we last saw each other." Agi chuckled.

"What are you doing here? Do you have nothing to do?" Asked Pegasus, annoyed.

He and Agi were not on good terms. They have some kind of contrast between each other.

Agi stuck out his tongue at him.

"I do have a task. If not, I won't even want to come and see you guys. Oh, but I'll meet you, Virgo. Only you." He winked.

"Haha, o-kay…"

Virgo fakes his laugh. He knows Agi was joking but… Here comes the usual situation again.

"...Tiny." Pegasus taunted.

Agi glared at him.

"Mongrel, how long have you not cleaned your eyes. I can see the filth on it. Yuck! Seems like someone forgot to put a leash on you too." He bit back with his words.

Pegasus growled lowly while Agi once again stuck out his tongue at him. As for Virgo, he shook his head and looked up. He wondered why Agi was here for.

After all, Agi may look small at 1.67 meters and the shortest among the 32 Bright Star users but no one should underestimate him. He can destroy a city with his power alone. Unfortunately, problematic people like Pegasus, tall and sturdy, like to annoy Agi the most.

"Urgh... Can't you guys stop quarrelling when you meet? If you don't quarrel every single day, it's not normal. In fact, everyone thought if you both don't quarrel anymore, it probably means the world is about to end too." Virgo facepalms himself.

Then, he smiled a little. He knew something about Pegasus and Agi. They may like to quarrel but they have the strongest bond. Only, these two blockheads probably won't notice it. However, they do make liveliness when they were around so everyone just lets it be.

Agi and Pegasus harumph and turn their heads away from each other.

"Whatever." They both said simultaneously.

"Shut up!" Again, in sync with each other.

"Enough! My god, if you want to quarrel, go back to the kindergarten! Fight there all you want! Stop disturbing everyone here!" Virgo yelled at them. He was worried that Kairi couldn't rest.

Agi and Pegasus finally relented but they eyed each other with hate.

"Good. Agi, is there any news you bring for us from Syarantonia?" Virgo asked.

Agi cleared his throat before he spoke.

"Before that, did you see the light coming from the mountain forest? I don't know why I was attracted by the light but suddenly my stellar emblem lit up. I noticed the presence of your aura heading to this village and followed you here."

"Light..." Virgo and Pegasus look at each other.

Agi looked at their reaction and realized that both seemed to know something. Not only that, before he reached the area of ​​the place, he could feel the death of Pegasus. He knew Pegasus was dead but when he got here, Pegasus was still alive and also in a good condition.

Just why was that his face looking a little more radiant than usual? Does Pegasus use some kind of cosmetic?

"And, are you a woman? Using such makeup, which wildflowers do you want to attract here?" Agi teased.

Pegasus stares at him darkly while Virgo does understand it and chuckles. If Agi knew what happened, would Agi also consider dying too?

"Okay, I'm joking. Man, you really are a chick. Pegasus, have you lost your power a few hours ago?" Agi got serious this time.

Maybe Pegasus was not dead but his aura was cut off by something. If it does, it makes him feel a little better. It was not that he cared or something. Though, he would never admit it.

"That... Pegasus..." Virgo felt it was hard to explain.

His eyes indicated Pegasus to talk. Pegasus let out a lazy sigh.

"I'm dead."

Virgo almost fell because of his short inscription. Can't he be more detailed?!

"Heh, don't lie! If you are dead, why are you still here, alive and lively." Agi didn't believe it.

"Who knows..." Pegasus told him while drinking his tea until it finished.

Agi's eyes quiver. Can he hit him?

"Virgo, you explain! Talking to this idiot is really getting on my nerves!" Agi got angry again.

Pegasus stared at him sharply. If look can kill, Agi would have died a hundred times today.

"Sigh... Actually..." Virgo had no choice but to explain the situation before.

Throughout his story, Agi's eyes widened until his eyes went to Kairi on the bed. He finally understood. Who would have thought that they would stumble upon such a person?

Luck was on their side. He could feel the aura from Kairi but it was not that strong. It was like a newborn energy had just awakened from its slumber.

"Are you both sure he did it?" He asked calmly.

"That... We're not sure. He fainted after the field was gone and then, Pegasus opened his eyes." Virgo scratches his cheek.

"He could be the heir but also not... His identity is strange. Do you even ask his background, Virgo?" Pegasus cut in.

Virgo shook his head.

"Sorry... I was in a hurry. So, we did not talk deeply about his background. I thought he was just a normal person. I don't even feel any energy from him. So, how can I tell he had power in him."

Agi went silent for a moment. He was thinking about all the hints Virgo mentioned in his explanation.

"Virgo, Pegasus, I think Kairi is Queen Siarah's heir," he said affirmatively.

Virgo and Pegasus looked at him and waited for his clarity of why he said so.

"First, Virgo, you see a magic field that is almost similar to the stellar energy field we always use but a little different, correct? And second, you also see all the 32 stellars are gathered around Kairi and Pegasus. Such a thing could happen if Pegasus is truly dead... Unless he fakes it."

"Who would fake that, stupid!" Pegasus snarled.

Agi just ignored him. "... And you left him with Kairi. Are you sure that no one was there before when you left?"

Virgo nodded. He was sure no one else was there other than them.

"Alright. Lastly, our emblems are glowing at the same time you see the light coming from Kairi and Pegasus. This means Kairi is the true heir, the Bright Star's leader we have been looking for. Although there is still a little doubt with all this evidence, I'm sure of it!"

"Erm..." Virgo was still hesitant to believe it.

If all these were true, then, all this time he was with Queen Sarah's heir without him knowing it?! What kind of luck does he have when he just accidentally stumbles into Ryam Town for a look!

"Yes. Not only that, why did Kairi faint? The answer I have is that you can feel for yourself." Agi pointed at Kairi.

"Can't you guys perceive it? He has little energy which should have been forced out to revive Pegasus. That is why his body collapses. He doesn't have the power at the level he needs to use it. So, he had to sacrifice his own physical and mental energy to supply it."

Agi turns to Pegasus. Pegasus was truly lucky to be found by their leader at his death door!

"When you say that... I just noticed some weak power from him," replied Virgo.

"Anyway, we have to take him to Syarantonia first. If the palace emits a stellar aura, then Kairi is absolutely the true heir. You both know that the palace is related to our leader's power. It will recognize its master." Agi was excited.

They cannot waste their time here. They must leave as soon as possible.

"Wait, wait, hold on! You want to force Kairi to go there?" Virgo was stunned.

"You disagree? Why? This is our chance to defeat our nemesis with our leader here!" Agi frowned.

Agi did not understand why Virgo felt he wanted to coerce Kairi. After all, the safety of the heir was their main duty and Kairi must live in Syarantonia as the rightful Bright Star's leader.

"But Kairi decides to go home after returning the Pegasus emblem. I don't think he'll follow us willingly if you want him to go to Syarantonia," explains Virgo.

He knew Kairi's feelings after Kairi told him he wanted to go back to Ryam Town after all of these were over.

"I'm sorry, Virgo. I haven't told you yet that General Leo wants us to gather as soon as possible."

Virgo and Pegasus were startled to hear it. There was one possibility for this gathering.

"I got his orders last week. Since I found you both, I thought of taking you home immediately but..." He looked at Kairi.

"We need to bring him along..."

"Are the enemies finally determined to go to war with us?" Virgo's face darkened.

They are still weak. How are they going to defend Syarantonia if the Deorc Stars are stronger than them?

"Because of that, Kairi has to follow us. After he wakes up, we will explain to him until he understands. Willing or not is no longer an option for him. You have to think, if we lose Kairi, all the life in this world will be obliterated and become slaves to Deorc Star. Do you want that to happen?" Agi asked them.

Virgo went silent. He knew Agi's words were reasonable but he was worried about Kairi's disagreement. Long after he knew Kairi, he realized that Kairi was a person that followed his desires, stubborn, kind, caring, sharp, pretty smart, and easily depressed. He did not want Kairi to run away from them if he felt them forcing him to abandon his desire to go home.

Virgo was getting a bit restless when thought about it.

"All right, let's wait for Kairi to wake up first." He can only obey.

"So, it's time for all the 32 members of Bright Star's users to regroup," said Pegasus.

Agi nodded, affirming it.

"Also, after returning and making sure Kairi is the heir, we need to train him so that he doesn't collapse again or become weak in the war against the enemies later." He continued.

"You taught him. I'm quite busy," Pegasus said, yawning. He also walked out of the room.

"Urgh! Can't he be serious at this time!" Agi was shaking from anger and a little taken aback by Pegasus's attitude.

It's really hard to ask for his help!

"Erm... You can't win against him... In verbal..." Virgo replied with a smile.

Agi's face turned red. "Shut up!"

Three days passed since the incident and finally, Kairi woke up.

"Here, Kairi. You can only drink liquid meals for now. Your body is still weak." Virgo told Kairi while handing him a bowl of medicine soup.

"Thank you, Virgo. And who is this? Your comrades too?" Kairi asked, looking at Agi.

"Yup! I'm Sagittarius or you can call me, Agi." Agi replied with a smile.

Kairi nodded. "Nice to meet you, Mr Agi. I'm Kairi." Kairi replied and drank the soup until it was finished.

Virgo has been staring at Kairi drinking the soup. He was amazed that Kairi didn't change his expression while drinking it. The soup was very bitter. And, it was made by Agi himself.

He hated that soup! He once drank it and choked up. Even after a week passed he still felt bitter on his tongue.

"There's no need for mister. I'm only 24 years old." Agi has the same age as Pegasus.

"Oh, okay... Agi." Kairi called him.

He's no longer awkward about calling someone's name after Virgo teased him about it. He and Agi shook hands. After a moment, Pegasus entered the room. Kairi went transfixed while staring at him.