

"Rafiz!" Kairi and his friends yelled.

Rafiz's right hand was cut off and it fell to the ground. Stunned with pain, Rafiz fell on one knee while holding the severed arm. His body trembling and sweating profusely. But, he still glares toward Dark Reammut with vertical eyes sharpened and glowing brightly.

"You look pathetic, Dark Lordany. You should be at the bottom of the rank instead of being the sixth." Dark Reammut mocked him before she chuckled. "The sixth would be me now. So easy."

Kairi and Aries run to Rafiz's side. Kairi stood in front of Rafiz while Aries ripped her bottom dress and tied it to Rafiz's severed arm. She needs to stop the bleeding first.

"Hey, Dark Reammut! Enough playing around! Hurry up!" Shouted Dark Spincer while his sickle pushed Pegasus away and stopped Virgo's energy bullets.

"I want to play! You guys never let me have some fun! Hmph!" Said Dark Reammut childishly.

Dark Spincer glared at her. Why does he have to take this kid with him? Oh, right, Dark Amilia wants him to supervise her naughty little sister.

"By the way... Which one of you killed Dark Ries?" Dark Reammut smiled while looking at Kairi, Rafiz and Aries.

They did not answer her. That makes her choose the next target to have fun.

Kairi felt something was wrong the moment he blinked his eyes. Dark Reammut was no longer in front of him. Aries's scream makes him turn his head. But, before he could see the situation, he felt something just go through his left shoulder.

Rafiz was in front of him. He had moved to shield Kairi once again. Unfortunately, Dark Reammut's long sword managed to stab Kairi along.

Kairi's eyes widened. His mind becomes silent while his eyes have been looking at the sword going through Rafiz's chest from the back. Even the pain in his shoulder did not move him.

Dark Reammut tsked and pulled her sword back. For a second with time stopping, Rafiz had made a quick trajectory to shield Kairi. It was like he knew she was going to kill Kairi next.

"Kairi, I'm… Sorry..." Rafiz said slowly before he staggered towards Kairi.

Kairi held him. He was still paralyzed. Rafiz felt remorseful for not being able to protect his little brother. With his last strength, he stomped his feet, spun his body, and moved fast toward Dark Reammut. Dark Reammut's slow movement to dodge gives him a chance to crush Dark Reammut's dark emblem.

Dark Reammut eyes widened but then she smirked. Her sword, which was supposed to disappear after the destruction of her emblem, moved to cut Rafiz's head.


Glowing green eyes appeared in Dark Reammut's mind. Those eyes stunned her in place.

"What the...?!" She was surprised.

A gush of strong wind blows her far back from Rafiz. As for Rafiz, he lost consciousness but he didn't fall to the ground because Kairi had grabbed him and pulled him into his arms.

Kairi's gaze towards Dark Reammut was fierce as a lion in madness. His eyes also had landed on Aries not far away. Her body has no movement with thick blood covering all over her body. Life or death was unknown.


His anger released a red sparkling and burning star around his body. The place also increases in temperature because of it. Virgo, Pegasus, Dark Spincer and Dark Reammut were pressured by the awful aura.

"Kairi..." Virgo said in concern about Kairi's mood.

"We need to stop him before he goes crazy," Pegasus told him.

"I know!"

Virgo immediately boosts his stellar energy to the maximum. His body released a soothing blue aura that can only manifest from his emblem power. His weapon disappeared. Then, he slowly walks toward Kairi.

As for Pegasus, he stood back to back from Virgo while eyeing Dark Spincer. He cannot allow Dark Spincer to disturb Virgo.

"That aura... It's almost like him... But, he should be the only one with such a scary aura. Who is this Knight Seeyer?" Dark Spincer frowned and felt complicated.

The heir was supposed to be shrouded in light, not in darkness. So, what was the true form of stellar energy?

Dark Spincer disappears and Pegasus hurriedly moves to watch over his friends. Luckily, Dark Spincer appears again next to Dark Reammut.

"Killing him now would not be easy..." Dark Reammut said after looking at the gaze of Kairi who still was on her and now, on Dark Spincer too.

"I told you not to play around. Now, look what happened," Dark Spincer reprimanded her.

"How do I know he would just become crazily strong? He looks so weak." Dark Reammut complaint.

"Tsk! Weak people can become strong if they are stimulated by something. Dark Lordany seems to be his limit. Same for the opposite." Dark Spincer frowned.

Dark Lordany was their teammate but he betrays them for Kairi's sake. What makes Dark Lordany want to protect Kairi so much?

"It's unforgivable..." Kairi's voice was heard by them.

"Kairi...?" Virgo has only a few more steps before he reaches Kairi.

"It's not fair... Why are you still sleeping, power of mine?! Are you waiting for me to be stronger so that I can control you?!" Kairi shouted inside his mind.

Uncontrollable tears fell to his cheek. He was afraid. The longer he waits, the colder Rafiz and Aries's bodies become. So, he expresses his anger at his power.

"If you can hear me, please help me save them!"

His anger, fear and desires push the dormant power to slowly manifest. Suddenly, Kairi felt a sentence appear in his mind. A verse of the old century that he only understood. His lip gives a small grievance smile.

Now, you want to help me...? Without further ado, he recited them slowly.

"Des Sa Olo Nas Ki Ei... Ruip Ne Ene Gamo Olo Masu Ou Yan Olo Usu Ei. Denuk Ju So Som Sa Ten! (Oh star who became my servant... Return the perfect body to my chosen people. Shroud them with the power of your healing light!)" As Kairi said it, his red aura disappear and his body glowed with sparkling white light.

Once the verse was over, the sparkling split surrounded Rafiz and Aries. Slowly, their wounds close and disappear. Rafiz severed their hand and even grew a new one. Both were breathing lightly. It was not long before they opened their eyes.

"Kairi...?" Rafiz said.

As for Virgo, Pegasus, Dark Spincer and Dark Reammut, they were startled by the power of Kairi. The healing power was so strong.

Kairi let out a breath of relief. He stood up with Rafiz. Rafiz was amazed that his arm regenerated. How did Kairi do it? But, when he looked somewhere, he found the old arm was still there. It makes him shudder.

"What happens? I thought I was..." Aries approached them. Her body felt more alive than before. Even the pain she felt was gone.

"Kairi, you did it! You manage to heal them back!" Virgo came hugging Kairi from the back.

"Virgo..." Kairi sniffed. His body was still glowing and that expression made him look like a puppy.

Virgo smiled and patted his head. He was glad Kairi returned to normal.

"You've done well. Now, leave it to us." Virgo turns his head towards Dark Spincer and Dark Reammut.

Pegasus also stood beside them. Their battle was not finished yet.

"Sigh... This takes too much time." Dark Spincer was getting bored. "Let's finish this quickly." Dark Spincer finally gets serious.

They cannot go back to Dorothia empty-handed. It would be embarrassing for him, who was the 2nd rank of Deorc Star users. Dark Reammut agreed. Her clockwork harps glow darker.

"Their aura has changed. They're serious about killing us now," said Pegasus. Whether they can win or not was luck.

Kairi contemplating. Now, he was able to grasp a little understanding of his power. But, how can he help them? Is there any way?

He does not feel tired after using his power. The first time he did he fainted but the second does not seem so. Would that mean if he increased his use of power, it would also increase his limitation?

While he was thinking, Rafiz, Virgo and Pegasus strike Dark Spincer and Dark Reammut. Aries was releasing a small mind wave to disturb Dark Reammut from using her power of time. She seems to have become stronger and more in control of her mental power.

Was that the benefit of Kairi healing her?

"Kairi, try using your healing ability on Virgo and Pegasus." She suggested. She would like to experiment with it.

Kairi grasped her meaning. It was like a simple clue. Because he can see that Aries was in better shape than before. Her mental collision with Dark Reammut's mind can be felt by him.

How was he able to feel it? He doesn't know.

Even Rafiz has become quicker and his striking strength can move Dark Spincer a few steps back. Kairi was no longer anxious after seeing them get the upper hand. It was like if you hurt, I'll heal you back. With this reassurance, he didn't worry if they got injured. So, he agreed with Aries's suggestion.

"Okay." He nodded to her.

Kairi first feels the power inside him. It was like reaching a cloud but he did not go to it. Instead, he strives to move to him. When he felt it within his grasp, he turned toward Virgo and Pegasus.

"Des Sa Olo Nas Ki Ei... Ruip Ne Ene Gamo Olo Masu Ou Yan Olo Usu Ei. Denuk Ju So Som Sa Ten!" The same verse was recited by him.

Instantly, Virgo and Pegasus bodies glow with healing light. The light hurt Dark Spincer and Dark Reammut's eyes. The short disturbance allowed Rafiz to swing his blades on them. Both were pushed back after shielding themselves with their weapon.

"Dark Reammut, hurry up!" Dark Spincer scolded her.

"No, you don't."

Aries knew the moment Dark Reammut was going to use her power. She quickly uses a loud soundwave inside Dark Reammut's mind. Dark Reammut groans in pain. She fell to her knees.

Pegasus took his chance to swing his sword onto Dark Reammut. Unfortunately, his attack fails because Dark Spincer covers her with his sickle. He put his strength on his weapon and had Pegasus fly backwards. At that moment, Virgo's bullet scratches his right cheek with Rafiz swinging his blade from below to upwards.

Rafiz's attack also failed because Dark Spincer used his feet to kick the blade away. His precision on the blade was good. Rafiz had to let go of the blade and jumped backwards, exposing a ready Virgo behind. Virgo immediately shoots his energy bullet at Dark Spincer's heart.

"You kids have gone too far..." Dark Spincer growled while brushing off the bullet while moving his body to the left.

Virgo, Pegasus and Rafiz gasped when their feet got hit by something hard. They all fell to their knees.

"His phantom!" Rafiz told them.

"Time stops..."

Dark Reammut voice sounded lowly. With the help of Dark Spincer shielding him from everyone's sight, Dark Reammut can make a wall in his mind. He gains control of his power over time again.

"This time, all of you need to die!"