

"Agi... Agi ..."

Agi opened his eyes after hearing someone calling his name. His eyes fluttered before he could see clearly. But it remained wide open when Pegasus was close to his face while touching his cheek gently.


"Urgh... What the heck, Agi? Why are you screaming all of a sudden?" Pegasus closed his ears with his palms.

He looked at Agi who had run to the end of the bed. Agi's expression looks murderous at him.

"I'm screaming because of you! What's wrong with you?! Why are you in my room?!" He pulled the blanket to cover his pyjamas.

Pegasus looked at him in confusion before he smirked.

"Oh... Why can't I? Are you afraid that I will do something to you?"

Agi's face reddened with anger. "You creep!"

"Creep?" Pegasus rolled his eyes at him.

He doesn't think he does anything wrong.

"Don't worry. I'm not interested in a man or a small body like you." Pegasus said and stood by the bed.

"Get out! You, you pervert!" Yelled Agi.

He took his pillow and threw it at Pegasus. Pegasus caught it.

"Pervert? Oh, but just now you are dreaming of something and you kissed me. Wasn't you supposed to be the pervert?" Pegasus raised an eyebrow.

"Huh? What did you say...?" Agi gawked in disbelief.

He did what?!

Immediately, he examined his body without realizing Pegasus was watching his reaction. Pegasus's eyes stared at him sharply.

"He does hide something... Especially about his physical contact. Why?" He thought silently.

"Pegasus, you lied to me!" Agi just realised nothing was wrong with him.

He wanted to throw another pillow but was stopped by Pegasus who had to hold his hand. His mind went blank and his body stiffened. He wasn't sure if he was daydreaming or not. But, Pegasus had kissed his lips and made his whole mind dysfunctional.

A moment later, he was conscious again and looked around. Pegasus was no longer in front of him and he only saw the room door closed from outside. Pegasus who was outside the room walked through the sidewalk.

He could hear Agi's raging screams soon after and grin. Without anyone noticing, his cheeks were a little red. He never thought he would dare kiss Agi. But, at that moment, he only wants to know what Agi has been hiding about.

Unfortunately, nothing happened after a few minutes so he left. He laughed when he remembered Agi's dumbfounded expression. Teasing Agi was fun. He should do it more frequently.

"This is your punishment, Agi. For keeping something a secret from all of us and also in return for controlling my body at that time." He finally paid back the grudge he's been holding since then.

He touched his lips before wiping them hard with his sleeve.

"Hey, Pegasus? Did you see Agi? Why is he screaming? Is he in danger or something?" Asked Cygnus who was running but collided with him.

"Hm? Maybe he found another cockroach in his room. You know how scared he is with cockroaches." Pegasus replied slowly and continued his walk.

"Oh, really? Sigh, that scares me. What the hell is he screaming for in the morning? Hm? And why are you here in the north building? Isn't your room in the east building?" Cygnus felt strange with the presence of Pegasus there.

He slowly noticed that Pegasus came from the path to Agi's room. Could they be fighting each other again? His eyes twitched. Does that mean it was Pegasus who made Agi scream just now?

"I'm just taking a walk around. I can't do that...?" Pegasus looked coldly at Cygnus.

Cygnus shook his head fast with both hands raised up.

"No! I mean yes! Yes, you can! Okay, I have to go patrol the west. Goodbye!"

He was gone at a fast pace like a ghost was chasing after him.

"Huh? Why is that boy still scared of me since I beat him in a match last year? Hm... I didn't hurt him badly either. Just break both his arms and his sternum, that's not even considered bad, right?" He pondered.

At the same time, Agi cleaned his mouth in the bathroom while washing his whole body. He didn't want to feel Pegasus's kiss in his mouth and he wasn't sure whether to kill Pegasus straight away or chop him up.

He slammed his hand against the ceramic wall of his bathroom while letting the shower wet his body.

"Urgh... Damn you, Pegasus! That was my first kiss and the key to breaking my curse..." He said slowly before feeling his eyes wet and not from the shower above him.

He sat in the bathtub and hugged his body tight. He can feel the changes and begins to tremble in pain.

"Erk! It's started!" He groaned lowly.

Half an hour later, he came out of his bathroom. He looked at his body in the mirror and sighed heavily.

"Hello, my real body..." His voice sounded feminine. "Hm? I never thought that part would grow so big. I was only eight years old when it changed..."

Agi turned around in front of the mirror. Then, he reached for the clothes that were in his closet. After making sure the size of his new body attire was still the same as before, he left the room. He also used a voice spell to make it the same as his normal one.

"I must make sure no one knows of this. Not even Pegasus!" He frowned.

He felt relieved that he was always wearing an oversize cloth to hide his small body. Now, it was to hide something else. And it's all Pegasus's fault!

While Agi was cursing Pegasus, Aries was moving towards Kairi's room. The main palace and some other buildings were safe from the earthquake.

"It's been two weeks since the incident. Kairi is still unconscious even though his injuries have been healed by Agi. Apparently, the loss of memory does have a big impact on his body. This is already the second time it happened. I hope it is not a bad omen." She prayed silently.

She arrived at Kairi's chamber. Four elite knights guarded the door. One of them opened for her. She smiled at them and went in.


Virgo, Perseus and Libra were inside with Kairi still laying in his bed.

Aries nodded to them and went beside the bed.


Tears formed in her eyes. Perseus and Libra rubbed her back. They know she was in love with Kairi. Unfortunately, it will be a while before she could confess her feelings to Kairi.

Someone entered the room and all of them turn around to look at the newcomer.

"How is Your Majesty?"

The person, a man in orange attire asks. He has short dark brown hair and silver eyes.

Virgo shook his head. "He still has not awakened. How is your investigation, Cancer?"

Cancer, one of the stellar users, smiled a little. "No Deorc Star is within Syarantonia anymore. Thanks to Aquila's power and Lyra's help, it's much easier to eliminate their underlings who are still spying around Syarantonia."

"I'm glad. Thank you, Cancer." Perseus let out a sigh of relief.

"No need, madam. Most Bright Star users have already come back. We will make sure none of the Deorc Star users comes to Antonia and bullies us again. After all, our leader has finally been found. We no longer need to leave to search for him."

Cancer gaze at Kairi. He arrives the day after the ambush with some other users. They were too late to come to help.

After a moment, Aries walked out to the balcony. Libra followed to accompany her.

"Are you still worrying over Rafiz?" Libra asked her.

Aries nodded. "He is our benefactor. I just hope nothing happens to him but... That would be impossible." A tear drops down to her cheek.

Libra hugged her and patted her back.

"All of us are the same as you, Aries. We are worried about him too. But, don't be discouraged. When Kairi is awake and got stronger, we will go to Dorothia to save him!" Libra vowed. Her eyes glinted angrily.

Rafiz was their friend. There's no way they wouldn't go rescue him.

"Em! Thank you, Libra. I'm alright now."

Aries wiped her tears away and hardened her heart. She should put away her sadness and move forward.

Wait for us, Rafiz!

Rafiz who had been taken to Dorothia was already conscious a week after the incident. He was locked in a dark prison with no window. His food and drink were also only given once every two or three days according to the mood of his prison guards.

As everyone expected, he has no memory. Even so, he was still severely punished for his betrayal of the Deorc Star. Dark Sethan mostly contributed to his retribution.

But Rafiz... He has no right to hate Dark Sethan because he didn't know what mistake he had made. He could only guess it was a heavy one.


Rafiz gritted his teeth hard while his bloody naked body sweated profusely. He had bent his body because a group of carnivorous ants bit and ate his skin bit by bit. Their size was almost as big as his fist. He could only hold his pain and protect his head.

Dark Sethan watched it amusedly from outside of Rafiz prison. Rafiz's pain and sorrow excite him. He had already burned Rafiz's body while he was awake for the first time.

Rafiz's scream was a piece of music in his ears. Luckily, he was kind enough to call their main physician, also a Deorc Star user, to heal Rafiz back to complete recovery before Rafiz breathed his last. He can't have Rafiz dead yet.

"How long can he hold now?" Asked Dark Lusophia who appeared beside him. There was a lollipop in her mouth.

"His tolerance of pain has increased again. He doesn't scream much anymore. Is this good or bad? Soon, I'll be bored with him if he turns into a doll." Dark Sethan pondered.

"It's fine. He can start training as Dark Lordany again after you're bored with him. I hope this time he will remember this pain if he ever tries to betray us."

Dark Sethan looks at her with astonishment. "Your Majesty still wants him?"

"No idea. But, he looks interested in Dark Lordany when Dark Hartina shows him the memories of how that heir was closed with him. I'm sure he's planning to use Dark Lordany against the heir."

"I see... Oh, he fainted again. Hey, Dark Undria. I need you here."

Dark Sethan called to someone who was having his back to the wall not far from them. That person had long silver hair that was tied into a ponytail. His red snake-like eyes were wearing eyeglasses.

"What?! How long was he here?" Dark Lusophia didn't notice him at all.

"I've been here since Dark Sethan started the sentence on Dark Lordany today." Dark Undria moves his eyeglasses up his nose.

His sharp eyes watch Dark Lusophia shudder.

"I'm out of here. Bye!" Dark Lusophia disappeared.

"Why is she so afraid of me? I'm not going to eat her."

Dark Undria sighed and walked until he was inside the prison. He makes the ants disperse with his violent aura. Then, he heals Rafiz's body with his power. A light blue like a firefly appeared and surrounded Rafiz's body before it scattered and disappeared.

"She hates snakes." Dark Sethan answered him.

Dark Undria frowned. "Do I look like a snake to you?"

Dark Sethan nodded and made Dark Undria sigh again. He can't change his eyes though.

"Well, I'm leaving. You don't need me for today anymore, right?"

"Ah, I'm going out too. I have fulfilled my joy."

So, they both leave the prison. A few hours later, Rafiz woke up again and slowly changed his body position with his back to the floor.

"How many days have passed...?" He thought in silence.

The punishment always changes in a few days. The same goes for the prison that encloses him. He closed his eyes again because it was exhausting. Opening the eyes also takes a bit of his energy.

He raised his left hand slowly. He wanted to see the bracelet hanging on his left wrist. Surprisingly, no one could see it.

He felt the bracelet was very special despite not knowing how or why it could be stuck to his wrist. Not only that, the wolf head emits a bit of dim light that allows him to see its shape.

He was relieved it was still there and afraid it would disappear someday. Tiredness called again and he let it lull him back to sleep.

Another week passed and finally, Kairi opened his eyes. He looked around. A young lady was sitting at the edge of his bed except her eyes were closed and resting her head under her arms placed on the bed.

He wondered who the lady was before he slowly moved up. He felt strange seeing something stick to his arm. It's like a needle with a small tube that inserts an unknown liquid into his body. He pulled it off.

He needs to know where he was. So, he began to search the room. He found many doors that lead somewhere. He opens it one by one and reaches the balcony door. The view he saw from the balcony startled him. He didn't think he had ever seen this place.

"Where is this? Why am I here? And, who am I...? I don't remember my name either..." He thought and started to panic.

He took time to calm himself before re-entering the chamber where he woke up. He went to the stairs leading down to the last door. Once he came out, he was startled by the knights who were outside. Everyone looked at him in surprise as well.

"Your Majesty!" They immediately kneeled and bowed to him.

"Huh? Your Majesty...?" Kairi was stunned by the call.


Someone called from behind him. It was the young lady that was in his bedroom. She looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"Kairi?" He felt familiar with the name but he doesn't remember it.

"Who are you?"

"... My name is Aries..."

Seeing Kairi was finally awake, Aries used her telepathy to tell Leo and other Bright Star users. Some ran towards the palace building in a rush.

"Kairi, how do you feel? Is your body alright?" Asked Aries as he led Kairi back to the bedroom and told him to sit down on the bed.

"My name is Kairi?"

Aries nodded. "Yes, your name is Kairi."

"So, why did they call me, Your Majesty?"

"That's your identity too, Kairi. It's because you are our king." Aries explained slowly.

"King...? What is a king?"


Aries smiled because Kairi looked like a little kid with many questions. She was glad that even though the memories were lost, Kairi can still talk and think normally.

Soon, several people appeared on the stairs and looked at him with relief.

"Your Majesty, it's good that you finally wake up," Auriga said after kneeling to Kairi with Leo and others.

Kairi looked at them in awe. He never knew they would have to kneel to him because he was their king.

"Err, I don't remember who you are. So, can you tell me...?" He looks bashful and confused.

"Yes, Your Majesty. Let me introduce ourselves again. We are..."

Auriga explained about their Bright Star organisation and Kairi's true identity. But, he didn't tell about Rafiz or their journey to Antonia. It was not the time yet. They need Kairi to recuperate first before they tell him all the truth.

"I see. It's good to meet you all then..." Kairi smiled.

"But how did I lose my memories?"

"Three weeks ago, two of the Deorc Star ambushed us and Your Majesty was hurt by them badly. One of them destroyed all your memories. We sincerely apologise because we couldn't help you on time." Perseus answered next.

"They must be very powerful..." Kairi thought quietly.

"So, is there anything I can help with?"

"Of course but first you must rest until your body is strong enough to train with us. Hopefully, you can understand that we all need you, Your Majesty." Perseus smiled gently at Kairi.

Kairi nodded. Later, they all leave him without Virgo, Agi, Pegasus and Aries left in the room with him.

"We will guard you. Please rest assured, Kairi." Since they were alone, Virgo used an informal speech to speak with Kairi.

"Thank you..."

Kairi watched them go outside the bedroom and guarded there. He slumped to the bed.

"Ah... What's all this? Am I dreaming?" He was so confused.

His mind became troubled. Soon, he felt something on his right wrist and looked at it.

"Wow, what's this? Why do I have this thing?"

It was a diamond bracelet with a wolf head carved on it. He could feel it was very important to him. When night came, he went out to the balcony and sat in the chairs available there.

He looks at the bracelet again. At the same time, Rafiz who was now leaning his body against the wall also looked at his bracelet.

Suddenly, the two bracelets emitted a sharp glow, surprising them. They also saw it melted into their skin and affixed it there like a tattoo.

"What the heck?!"

Both froze before they felt it soothing their mind and heart. And something calling to them to move somewhere.

"What's with this thing? Why does it make me feel like I need to search for something?"

Kairi turned his head towards the west. That direction was calling to him.

While Rafiz moves his head to the east even though he won't know the pole's direction from the prison but the calling was from there.

"Why does this bracelet make me writhe? What does it want from me? What and who should I need to look for?" Rafiz wondered.

There was a new unknown desire inside them, wanting to seek it.

Will they be able to find it if they went there?