

"I wonder how many days have passed...?" Kairi murmured.

He had his back propped against a wall. He was still in the hole since he was dropped down in it. The clothes he was wearing were now torn everywhere. His body also got scratches but not that deep.

The scratches were not from the fall but from the red-eyes animal's attacks. They attack him not because they thought he was food but because a drop of something falls on him from the hole. Usually, they just stay where they were until something makes them move.

There was some fresh blood flowing from his wounds. He has wrapped it with his cloth. Now, he just wants to take some time to rest while closing his eyes.

"Sigh... Kairi, do you want to give up...?"

Well, he felt like it. Then he shook his head.

"No, I can't give up! I have decided to take this test. I must do this for them, for my memories." He encourages himself.

He took the time to think about his test since the drop.

"Hmm... Could it be that this test isn't just about summoning my power? Are there any other things I need to take into account as well? If so, what is it?" He remembered the agony of his first day in the cave.

A few days ago...

Pairs of red eyes looked at him sharply. He was even more surprised to see their body shape. Kairi had never seen an animal the size of a horse. He felt like a dwarf when confronted by the animals.

How is he going to succeed in this test with their size? Does he have to defend himself while trying to summon his powers while fighting them?

Many questions were popping into his mind. Nonetheless, he quickly moves to escape positions. He looked at them while they were also staring at him.

"Kairi, they are called jungle wolves or 'Wardog' precisely. They were special animals used mostly during a war centuries ago as trackers and fighters against enemies. But now, only a few of them are still alive and they have built their nests underground to avoid being hunted by humans who are afraid of them. You are lucky to meet these wolf species. I wish you success in your test, Kairi," said the old man from outside the hole.

"Sir, I'm not sure if I can live before I pass the test," Kairi's eyes twitched after listening to the explanation about the animals.

He also couldn't help but look at all the wolves that were resting around the caves. Since he arrived, only their eyes moved to him. They were watching in vigilance but later after they saw his small size and he did nothing to them, they finally ignored him.

"Trust yourself." The old man disappeared afterwards, leaving Kairi with his fate in his hand.

Suddenly, somehow, a large piece of cooked meat as big as a cow appeared out of nowhere from above. It directly falls on him. Kairi immediately jumped away but...

"Argh!" He yelled because all the wolves lunged at the meat but also jumped towards him.

They didn't want to eat him but wanted to bite the fallen meat. Unfortunately, even though they ignored him, their sharp nails had scratched him while scrambling to get the meat.

In this cave, not only food was in demand, but even rainwater that often falls was also in demand. After all, the caves only have one hole.

At first, Kairi made sure he wasn't a hindrance to them but later, his hunger appeared. The old man didn't give or prepare a meal for him. So, he guessed his test included being self-sufficient and independent.

In other words, his food and drink were the same as those wolves. He had to snatch the food too or else, he would die of starvation. Because of that, his clothes have ripped and injuries covered his body here and there.

He endured the pain though. It would come and go sometimes if he didn't move much so it wasn't that hard.

"Truly, they are called 'Wardog'. They each fight for themselves and those who are about to die will be the next meal." Kairi thought in silence.

He looked at the skeletons scattered around the cave.

"I might... No, I will be the next meal if I die." He swallowed.

Suddenly, he felt water dripping from above him. Rain... It fell from the hole above him. The surprising thing was the hole would constantly change places within a few hours. Now, it appears on top of him.

"Damn it! I have to move to another place!"

He forced himself to get up. However, his legs didn't listen to him. They are already weak due to fatigue and malnourishment. All the wolves who knew the rain had come stood up and then lunged at him again.

Horrified, Kairi slammed both his hands hard to the ground in front of him and then moved his body up. He swung his body into the air with his hands used as a leap. From above, he could see all the wolves scrambling in the place he was leaning against.

He was lucky his hands were still strong to help him leap. Landing alone elsewhere, he groaned in pain as his feet first stepped on the ground. He fell onto his butt and quickly dragged his body to another wall while holding the pain.

He can't let his back open to the wolves. Who knows if they changed their mind to eat him. So, he needs his front body to look towards them while the back has the wall as protection.

After leaning against another wall opposite the wolves, he let out a sigh of relief but gasped back when he felt something on his side. He turned to the side and was startled to see a small wolf beside him. It was as big as his two palms combined.

"My God, that scares me. It's just a wolf cub." He sighed in relief.

He stares at the cub's body. It was so thin. But, Kairi felt it was very cute even though it has messy and dirty fur. The cuteness makes him want to hold it. So, he reached out his right palm to it.

"Hey, wolfy. Come're."

At this time, he didn't know a wolf cub would have its mother around caring for it. Luckily, the mother was not seen coming at him and may have died not long ago, leaving the vulnerable cub.

Kairi managed to call it to move near him. Although it snarled at him while looking in fear, it still walked slowly to Kairi. Kairi was delighted but the cub suddenly jumped at his giving palm and bit his fingers.

Kairi clenched his teeth, holding back the pain. And, he didn't have a desire to hit it to let his fingers go. It's because he sympathises with the cub. He could feel the cub's weak body and hunger. He understood it well because he was in the same situation.

Looking at the cub again, he realised there were no other wolf cubs in the cave. Kairi felt that the cub would die if it was left alone. But, that doesn't mean he should sacrifice his fingers if he wants it to survive. However, seeing the little one again change his mind.

He sighed and tried to think of something before a piece of flesh from his fingers was torn apart by the cub. It makes his finger bleed out.


He groaned when he felt his blood was being sucked by the cub. Not just that, the cub's bite was slowly loosened and less painful. Soon, the cub's teeth let him go and moved to his legs. It shifted its body to lie down. It yawned and closed its eyes. Kairi lifted his painful fingers and gently touched the cub's fur.

After feeling the cub won't bite him again, he continued to rub the cub's fur in admiration. He didn't think the cub would be happy just from sucking his blood. But, he was also happy to be able to touch a wolf for the first time.

Then, realizing that his fingers were still bleeding, he wrapped them in ripped clothes. When the night fell, the cave became dark. Kairi uses his hearing as her primary sense because he can't see his surroundings. If there was an unknown sound he heard, his body would tremble a little. Not just that...


Every night he will feel cold. It was a mystery that he didn't get a fever after sleeping in this cold cave. He folded his body and laid down. He felt something warm against his front and realised the cub was still there. Kairi reaches for the cub and hugs it gently.

He never thought he would have this small wolf to help him warm up tonight. He felt a little better and fell asleep unknowingly. He doesn't need to worry about the other wolves. They were asleep just like him after exhausting their energy for the food and water. The night was their rest time. That comforted him a little...

The next day...

"Are you hungry again?" He asked the cub when the cub made a noise while jumping on his legs.

The cub answered with barking and then whimpering. Kairi laughed because he didn't understand what it meant. He moved his unbitten hand to the cub.

He did not want to inflict further injuries on his right fingers that had been bitten before. Yet, the cub did not bite it, instead, it looked a little confusing.

"Hm... I wonder if you have a name."

He was startled when the cub shook its head.

"What...? Wait, do you understand me?" The cub nodded before barking again.

"Wow, what a very special wolf you are. You don't have a name...? Then, do you want me to name you?"

The cub continued to bark as its tail wagged, a sign it wanted to be named. Kairi went silent for a moment while thinking of an appropriate name. A name suddenly appears in his mind.

"Waloxes... Is Waloxes, okay?"

The cub barked again. It jumped on Kairi's face and licked it. Kairi felt ticklish and laughed. It seems the cub likes the name.

"Nice to meet you, Waloxes. I'm Kairi."

Since then, Kairi and Waloxes were not far from each other. Wherever Kairi goes, Waloxes would follow. Kairi, who did not want Waloxes to get hurt, brings it along when he needs to change location.

He no longer felt alone in the cave.

What's more, Waloxes like to play. It makes his heart happy seeing the energetic cub.


Kairi's eyes narrowed at the hole not far above them. Since he's been there for so long, he can detect a change of aura. The change indicated the food and rain would appear soon. He has been studying it because it happened again and again until he figured it out.

"Waloxes, wait here. I'll be back soon."

Waloxes obeyed him and sat down quietly. His tongue went in and out of his mouth. Kairi stood up while holding the wall behind him as a balance. Then, he bends one leg slightly.

He was looking for the right time to do something he used frequently now. His eyes stared at the hole. When he saw a shadow almost turning visible, he pushed his leg to jump at it with all his energy.

It was food delivered to them again. This time it was a big roasted bird. When he jumped, he observed which part he wanted to take. After that, he reached for that part. His hand gripped one of the bird's wings and pulled it hard, severing its veins and bones.

At the same time, all the wolves were running towards the fall of the food. Kairi used the bird's body to push his legs on it and leap to where Waloxes was. Upon landing, he saw all the wolves scrambling for the food fiercely.

He let out a sigh of relief as he managed to get food for him and Waloxes. He divided their food. Two-thirds were given to Waloxes and he squandered the rest. He did so because he pities the young cub. He doesn't care if he's hungry as long as Waloxes have the energy to live.

After enjoying their meal, Waloxes fell asleep beside him while wagging its tails. Kairi loves watching Waloxes sleep because the position was so cute. Its stomach would point upwards as its legs are lifted upwards as well. Once in a while, its ears would tremble as if listening to something. Kairi stroked the belly fur gently.

Every day, he would do the same routine, picking up food, fetching rainwater for drinks, playing with Waloxes and sleeping until the next day. Kairi wasn't sure how many days had passed. But soon, came a day that he didn't want to repeat again.

As usual, they would enjoy their meal and then go to sleep. Waloxes would always sleep next to him and when Kairi woke up, Waloxes would wake up too. But this time, Waloxes laid unmoved.

"Waloxes? Hey, Waloxes, wake up buddy. It's morning already." Kairi rubbed Waloxes' body.

Kairi turns its body around. His eyes widened when he saw Waloxes' opened eyes. It didn't blink or have movements from the eyeballs. Kairi began to realize what was happening and his body began to tremble. Tears welled up in his eyes as he looked at Waloxes with shock.

"No... No, no, this can't be. Waloxes! Waloxes!" Kairi called in a panic as he picked Waloxes body with both hands.

Waloxes' body was no longer as hot as it used to be and its chest didn't move either. The tears finally dropped out from his eyes to his cheek.

"No, Waloxes..." Kairi sobbed.

He hugged the cold cub's body while whimpering in agony. His heart felt like a shattered glass after losing an important friend. His good memories with Waloxes were also slowly being reminisced again in his mind.

After this, he would no longer hear the cheerful bark and feel the happy Waloxes who wanted to play with him. Without Waloxes, he would be alone in this cold cave and nothing would cheer him up anymore...

After a long time, he slowly put Waloxes body on the ground and then screamed in grief and sorrow.

"Waloxes! Argh!"

He thought he had done everything he could to ensure Waloxes continued to live by his side but the outcome was... Unpredictable.