

"Where am I...?" Kairi looked from side to side.

He just woke up and won't realise that he also fainted for three days straight. All because he lost his energy using the finally obtained power that was too powerful for him. After all, being in the cave for almost two months, who wouldn't have low stamina and low nourishment.

Now, awakening from his slumber, he was surprised to find himself in a wooden cottage with no room. The bed he laid down was made of wood and the mattress seems to be made with dried leaves wrapped in a white sheet.

At the centre of the cottage were a stove and an unused big black pot. The floor was covered with block shape tatami and that was all that he found around since there was nothing else.

He got up slowly and moved his legs to the side of the bed before standing up. But, he fell on the bed again. He continued to lift himself. It seems his body was still tired and making him feel too heavy to move.

Then, he realized something. His clothes already changed to a new one. His shirt and pants have a unique pattern with a streak of blue and white combined. His waist wore a belt with a few pockets to insert weapons. His palms were also covered in white gloves that move up to his elbows with beautiful blue patterns.

The most amazing thing he found was his elbows had a small shield chained up to the shield on his shoulders, similar to the shield on his knees chained to his belt. His feet also wore armour boots that protected him up to his knees. Behind him was a knee-length robe pinned below his neck. It also has a hood to hide his head and prevent his front clothes and half of his legs from being seen.

"Erm, who gave these clothes to me? It looks expensive..." He asked in his heart.

"However, it is very beautiful and has a unique pattern. It seems the one who gives it to me favours the theme of the moon and the star..." He examines his new attire.

"But... These clothes are actually a little heavy..." Kairi chuckled.

He looked outside where the sunlight shone out of the cottage. He has not seen outside for a long time since staying inside the hole. Because of that, he stepped outside and closed his eyes when the sunlight hurt his eyes. He was relieved to be exposed to the light. He could also feel the blows of wind brushing over his body.

"What a nice breeze... Hm? There seems to be someone lying down..." He thought while concentrating his eyes forwards.

Huh...? What is that?!

His eyes kept widening, the same as his mouth. How surprised he was to see a white wolf the size of an alpha wolf before. No, he thought this one was bigger than it, sleeping quietly under a lush tree. Yet, he admired the wolf's unique pattern on its body.

"Don't tell me there's another test to do? And will this wolf attack me too...?" Kairi groaned while feeling a little scared.

He felt like running away but a part of him wanted to touch the white wolf's fur to feel whether the fur was as soft as he thought. He gasped when he saw one of the wolf's ears move. Immediately, he moved his legs to step back but froze when the wolf's eyes opened and stared at him. He was also stunned to see the blue and golden colour of the wolf's eyes.

"Looks like you have woken up finally..." The wolf speaks to him.

"You, You can talk?!" Kairi exclaimed in shock.

The wolf got up from where he was relaxing, squinted and let out a yawn. Kairi gulped after looking at the wolf's sharp teeth and it was so huge almost as big as his arm. If the wolf was hungry, his body might not be enough for it.

"Yes, I can talk, Kairi."

The wolf replied and scratched his ear with his hind leg. He behaves like a dog would be. Such a sight makes Kairi's hands itch to touch.

"Oh... Okay. Erm... Who and what are you?" The wolves seem to know him though.

The wolf grinned while looking at him deeply. Kairi almost thought the wolf was sizing his body for lunch. His body gives out sweat.

"My name is Ziphoteninx. For 'what' am I, you can see for yourself. I'm a wolf."

"Err... I know you're a wolf but you can talk."

"It means I'm special." Ziphoteninx laughed.

"Ah... Did he just praise himself? Such a weird wolf..." Kairi thought in silence.

"Okay. So, where is this place? Where's the old man? And, shouldn't I be in the hole? Or has the test already ended?"

He has many questions to ask. Moreover, he remembers that Waloxes body had returned to normal before he fainted. But, even if he does that, can Waloxes be revived?

Such things seem impossible. While reminiscing his time with Waloxes, a melancholy atmosphere instantly surrounds him.

Could Waloxes' body be eaten again? Kairi feared such a thing would happen when he fainted.

"You've passed your test, Kairi. You've released your powers."

Kairi turns to him in a slow reaction with a pale face.

"Can I ask something?"

Kairi really wanted to know about Waloxes.

"What is it?"

"Have you... Have you made a grave for a little wolf that stays beside me after I fainted? I don't know what day and date are today but I know it must be already more than one day. Where is its body...?" Kairi's tears welled up remembering Waloxes.

"Do you want to meet him?"


Wait, could it be that the body was still in that hole? Kairi started to panic and move near Ziphoteninx.

"Please show me where Waloxes is?!"

"Calm down, Kairi. Reassure, its body was fine. If you want to see him, I'll take you to him. But, you must eat first. You need energy if you don't want to faint again." Ziphoteninx said before he walked in one direction.

Kairi hesitated for a while but since Ziphoteninx didn't harm him, he finally followed. A moment later, they arrived near a beautiful lake. Surprisingly, there are prepared foods on a piece of tatami near the lake. They went to the tatami.

"Sit down."

Ziphoteninx ordered when Kairi just stood unmoved near the tatami and looked at the food. There were plenty of them varying in colour and shape.

Kairi gulped silently. He has been hungry for a long time. When he heard Ziphoteninx's orders, he slowly sat on the tatami and pulled off his armour boots before he turned over the food.

He gasped when he felt Ziphoteninx lay behind his back while his huge head was put on the left side of his body. The tails can be seen wagging gently and slowly moving towards his hand.

Kairi was startled. He hesitates to stroke it but the tail looks so fluffy. He couldn't help it anymore and give in. It doesn't seem like Ziphoteninx was angry with his touch.

So, he felt he was safe and slowly brush the tail. The soft fur he was thinking finally in his hand. What luck has he made to receive such blessings?

Kairi can also feel Ziphoteninx's chest move behind his back.

"Have you calmed down?" Ziphoteninx asked him.

Kairi nodded.

"Good. Now, eat. These meals have been prepared specially for you."

"Can I really...?"


Kairi no longer asked. He reaches for the dishes near to him and eats them. A streak of tears slides to his cheek, startling Ziphoteninx.

"It's so delicious..." Kairi whimpered. He doesn't understand why he would cry just for tasting a meal.

Ziphoteninx nodded in understanding. After all, eating burning food during the test and the taste of rain wasn't that appetizing. It's normal to cry when you were tasting something more delicious than that.

Kairi took some time to eat but he wasn't able to finish them all.

"Thank you, Sir Ziphoteninx," Kairi said with a smile.



"Alright." Ziphoteninx makes the rest of the meals disappear except the drinks.

Kairi was confused because the drinks have three glasses. One was already used by him. So the other two for who then?

"Kairi, do you want to know where Waloxes went?"

"Went..." The words sound awful to him.

"Waloxes have already been buried, right?" He hoped while looking at Ziphoteninx.


"Huh? Then, where did his body go?" Kairi's face went pale again.

"He's in front of you." Ziphoteninx blinks his eyes playfully at him.


"Sir, please don't joke around with me. Where's Waloxes?"

"I said he's in front of you. You didn't believe me?"

Ziphoteninx made a gasping sound and then widened his pupil. His ears fall back and cutely look at Kairi.

Kairi's eyes twitched. His heart was tickled by the cuteness. But, he shook his head and turned serious again.

"Sir, please!"

Ziphoteninx sighed. "Fine..."

He used his power. Instantly, his body glows and turns into a smaller pup. The pup looked exactly like Waloxes.

He barked at Kairi who was astonished and gawking in disbelief at him. He jumped on Kairi's chest and then licked Kairi's cheek. Kairi's hands hold him back.

"Seriously?! You are Waloxes, sir?!"

"Yes. Yes, I am. Did you forget you are in a test?" Ziphoteninx raised his eyebrows.

Kairi went silent. Well, he didn't realise Waloxes was a part of his test.

"I see. That was really a nightmare." Kairi commented in his heart.

But now, looking at Waloxes in his hold, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. His heart no longer feels the pain of losing his friend. He also wishes he didn't go through it again.