The Chasing Game

The net enveloped them instantly. Dhvani was shocked but she knew she had to do something. And she had to be fast. She found the person she trusted the most.

Tarsh floated before her. He was in her space munching on snacks and watching television. And this saved her from contacting him and wasting precious seconds. She quickly gave him the instructions.

"Put Dhir, the guy beside Ajay, in your space. Take the horse and carriage with you. Also, throw this invisible blanket on Ajay. Stand by for more instructions. Remember not to show yourself when you are out."

Tarsh had many admirable qualities and following instructions in times of danger was worth admitting and applauding.

He quickly did everything and it only took him two seconds. The smoke hadn't cleared and the pursuers didn't even know that their prey had successfully tried to bluff them. Now all Dhvani had to do was wait.