Paranormal is also supernatural

Ajay noticed that the orcs were all surrounding the communicator. They didn't fear him but Ajay couldn't talk with them.

"Can you call your chief?"

A kid ran away and in a few minutes, Vatsal came there with Vari and Shudh.

"Greetings, wanderer. I hope the journey went well."

Dhvani was impressed that this guy still talked about greetings when they were troubled with the calamity.

"Do you need help, chief Vatsal?"

Vatsal looked at his leaders and both Shudh and Vari nodded.

"We need some food and shelter at present. The other tribes are very distraught. They may not accept our help."

Dhvani couldn't understand why someone wouldn't be willing to get help in this kind of disastrous situation.