Invincible fighter bots

The days were quite the same but the pattern was broken. Because the white lady was awake.

Ajay rushed to see her. Dhvani was also very eager to meet her.

The white lady sat on the bed with cushions supporting her back. Her face was pale and she looked extremely thin and weak. But the light in her eyes was still dazzling.

Her nephew waited by her side serving her diligently.

"Thank you, " she said immediately after seeing Ajay.

"You take care of yourself."

Looked like he was shy. Ajay couldn't handle situations like these.

Dhvani smiled.

He was a soft guy.

"I have to go," she said after pausing for some time.

"Why?" Her nephew asked first.

She smiled wryly.

"The poison in my body. The barrier is created with my blood and now that it is destroyed, the poison will start working. They still need me. Only with them, can I save my life."