No way back

The place was very wrong. It took Dhvani a very long time to see things without thinking. Ajay couldn't do anything. But they both agreed with what the ghost lord said. 

In the spirit world, there was a place that was worse than purgatory. At least hell punished those who deserved it.

But this was something else.

It had no distinction between good and bad, deserving and undeserving. It was impartially burning people. It was like everyone was its food.

The souls were tortured here and no one could do anything about it.

The ghost lord was very angry but she couldn't do anything about it.

They knew they had to leave.

But leaving like this wasn't good.

It could be the last mistake they could do.

"Ghost lord, we have to plan. Otherwise, we would become those evil ghosts. Then, no one will come to save us. Think about it."

The ghost lord sat down and began thinking.