Underworld and ghosts

Dhvani was very shocked to know the identity of their savior. Who wouldn't be? Their savior was the lord of hell. A demigod. The underworld king was the person the ghost lord had contacted for help before leaving to save the ghosts.

She had planned very well but the reality was very different from what she imagined. That's why they were all in danger.

The underworld king came too late. But he couldn't be blamed. 

Dhvani was now watching them all sit awkwardly. 

Really. It couldn't get more awkward.

Ajay didn't know what to talk. He felt that there was some difference in their identities so he kept quiet. 

The ghost lord was quiet because she was embarrassed and guilty.

The underworld king was simply quiet. 

Dhvani felt that they needed a tie breaker.

"Sister, when will we eat dinner?"

"After they talk," Dhvani pointed at the screen.

Tarsh nodded.

"But sister, they are playing who is the quietest game."