Punishment instead of Convocation

Vicky looked at her in confusion. What paper bag? Is it the one she threw away on their way here yesterday? Oh, three days ago rather.

"Stop looking at me like that. I bought three of those for you. You already ate one. Take the rest out of my car." She turned her gaze to the back seat where the two paper bags were sitting obediently.

"No, thank you. I don't want to wake up three days from now." Although she said so, her hand stretched forward on its own to retrieve the paper bags.

"And I thought someone has become strong-willed against food." Su Tang said with sarcasm dripping from her tone.

"Over my living beautiful body will I be strong-willed against food." She stuck out her tongue before getting down from the car to avoid getting smacked on the head.

Su Tang got down too and opened her hands for a hug. Vicky walked into her arms while holding back her tears.

"I will see you soon," She said.

"Study well and be obedient. Don't disappoint me," Su Tang said and Vicky nodded. 

The sound of a whistle pulled the sisters apart and Vicky waved her sister goodbye before going towards where the students were gathered on the a huge field with a platform on one edge where the teachers were standing. 'They must be the freshers', she thought.

When she got there, she stood away from the crowd with a stoic face.

Only her sister and the servants in her house gets to see her childish side. Everyone else is subconsciously given the 'don't come close attitude'.

Looking at her, some spoiled kids that still hasn't gotten the idea of the kind of school they had gotten into, started saying some gibberish due to the effect of being mesmerized by her beauty. 

"She looks gorgeous, prettier than the other girls!"

"I love her eyes, they are purple."

"Are you sure those aren't lenses?"

"I don't think so."

"Is she a Caucasian?"

"I don't think so, she looks a little Chinese?"

"I doubt that, she doesn't look Chinese nor Caucasian." 

"Nah, she looks more Asian."

"All the same she is beautiful. The most I have seen."

"I love her hairdo. It makes her look Savage and badass."

"It's not disputable. Look at her dress so on point. White Top, black trousers, red Snickers, and her black and white backpack. Look at the way she rests on the wall, she looks lazy. My heart is beating faster and faster. I think I have fallen for her, ah, what should Ido?"

"She is a walking disaster. She will destroy many boys before she leaves this school," a girl sneered. 

"I want her to destroy me, destroy me, oh please, damsel!"

"I would love to be her friend though, but she doesn't look friendly…" another girl said before the sound of the loud mic cut her off.


If I hear a murmur you will be sent to the detention class." The teacher looked around and saw some students had become stiff from his threat, some were looking confused, while the rest were looking meekly at him. Some of them that had read the rules and others that experienced Simeon's agony wouldn't dare take the rules lightly anymore.

He nodded in his mind before he continued.

"We welcome you all to Hassride University where only the best of the best graduates from.

Once you leave here in four years, the world will respect and honor you. Whatever you decide to do in the future will be done with confidence and your prestige will be widespread.

The booklet you were given prior to entering Hassride University after you were selected have everything you need to know about the rules, regulations, how you conduct yourselves, and the lessons you will be taking.

Every dormitory room is well furnished and has two students assigned to it. You must not bully the weak or your roommate. If you want to try out how lax or strict the school rules are, you can go ahead and break the rules.

Mr. Xu will be pleased enough to catch you red handed and send you to the detention class where you would be sent to the community. 

You can try breaking the rules if you like, nobody will stop you, but be ready to face the consequences and when the semester ends, the school will send you packing and also let you walk through the creepy road all by yourself.

Note of advice, the last time some students were sent home like that, they were devoured. We still don't know what animals reside in that…" He was rudely interrupted by a student.

"How can the school not know and still let students walk to their deaths? This is absurd! What type of a shitty school is this with shitty rules? Where does such f*cking rules exist? This is 21st century, Mr. teacher and the old system of disciplining students have long been aborted!

We are rich kids from all over the world, why do we have to be treated like destitute? I can't take this, I am calling my father right now, I have to get the f*ck out of this god-damned hell hole and mind you, I'll be making sure to leave bad reviews and also make sure to tell the world that you guys are forming a cult here. You don't teach students but kill them, I'll call my dad to demolish this rubbish you call a school!" yelled a student who couldn't keep it in anymore. He wihnessed how Simeon was taken away and also saw how a year two student was bundled away yesterday to the detention class for a little crime he committed, damn it!

The field was as silent as a grave yard as all the students looked at Samrat Singh with widened eyes. Even Vicky was forced to raise her gaze to look at the young boy who should be around 19-22, beaming with arrogance and pride like a peacock.

"Two weeks suspension for disrespecting the school and interrupting a teacher. The privileges you'll enjoy as a student here will be withdrawn forever. Even when you graduate from here, your honorary degree will be withheld for five years. Give your father the call right now!" Yelled Mrs. Jefferson who just walked into view with teacher. Xu and four other teachers.

The boy who spoke earlier still didn't know he had just dug his own grave. He called his father who immediately answered his phone.

"Son, how is it over there? The school is good right?"

"No dad, they are all weird. Their rules and

regulations are bizarre and they are cold-hearted killers!" he didn't bother to walk out to take the call but decided to let everyone hear him. He looked at the principal and teachers with a smug smile. 

"Samrat Singh! What have you done this time?"

"Dad, I haven't done anything wrong, I just spoke out against the bizarre rules and I am being suspended for…"

"You did what?! You stupid boy!" The call disconnected making Samrat Singh speechless.

'What was that? he stared at his phone in disbelief. Then he called his mother. 'Did you just end the call on me? Wait, you spineless man, mom will deal with you after I have complained about you to her, just wait and see! He fumed in his heart as he dialed his mother's number.

Just then Mrs. Jefferson's phone rang. She answered the call and then heard an apologetic voice on the other end, "Mrs. Jefferson, please I'm sorry for my son's impudent behavior. Please show mercy. This will be the last time," Mr. Singh begged.

"Ha! you made it sound like I don't know mercy. Your son is not the only one uncomfortable with the rules. Being rude to a teacher cannot be tolerated in this university.

I thought you briefed him before coming? And I remember the school cited the rules on the website and the booklet they were given. Didn't he know? didn't he read the rules?"

"Please Mrs. Jefferson, give him one last chance and forgive him. I promise to make him adhere to the rules henceforth."

"CEO Singh, from your son's mad behavior, it is obvious you didn't teavh him well and I don't have the luxury of time to chat with you. I have work to do, have a nice day. Lest I forget, your son has been suspended with hard labor for two weeks. Meaning, he has only two weeks of suspension left in a semester before he is sent away. Pray he doesn't get another detention soon, or else, start planning on having another child now because you and I know he can't survive outside this school and his death will have nothing to do with the school, his mouth killed him." She disconnected the call.

"Take him away," Said teacher Xu and two guards in blue uniforms took Samrat who was stunned away.

He called his mother just now and she was telling him if his father cannot talk the principal into pardoning him, then there was nothing that could be done. Although, she assured him she would find a solution and he was holding firmly to that. He believes his parents wouldn't let their only child die. Not now that he managed to get into the school of every parent's and student's dream all over the world.

However, hearing how the principal spoke to his father and the words she said started to fill his heart and those of the other students with fear.

"Good day students, as some of your might have already known, I am Mrs. Jefferson, the principal of Hassride University. We are not here today to tell you the rules or about the school and where it is located. All that shall be communicated to you tomorrow in your introduction class. You should all know that you are not the only rich kids in this school.

Your seniors do not cause trouble for the teachers and I hope you would learn from them, but if you insist on being troublesome, then we will deal with you the way we deal with troublesome little brats.

You can all rest for today– sunday. Lessons start tomorrow. You can all return to your dorms." Mrs. Jefferson finished and walked off the podium with all the teachers trailing behind her.

"Damn, this is one hell of a school. A student still got punished on the day we were supposed to be welcomed to the school. We were even made to stand in an open field. In my country, a grand convocation is held to welcome freshers to school and not punish them." A guy with dark completion voiced his wonderment after the school authorities left.

"What country are you from?" asked another.

"I'm from Nigeria," He answered.

"Where is that?" the guy asked.

"A country in West Africa."

"Oh, nice to meet you my friend from West Africa, my name is Ayaan Rathore, I'm from India and this is my sister, Jiya Rathore."

"Nice to meet you both. I am Abdul Rasheed. You look identical, are you twins?"

"Yes, we are. Are you going to the dorm? we can walk together." Ayaan said and both guys left for their dorm together with Jiya walking to hers alone.