Detention Community

On Vicky's way back to her dorm, she was stopped by Rhoda and her two friends. Rhoda was wearing a nose mask to cover her swollen mouth.

"Vicky, look at what you have done!. Did you have to remove her teeth? Why are you so violent?!" One of the girls yelled.

Vicky ignored her and sidestepped but they blocked her again.

"You have to pay for her medical treatment and apologize to her!" the other added.

Even though the medical treatment was free, they still had the face to ask her for money. It was obvious they wanted to make some money off her, unfortunately for them, Vicky wasn't someone to be bullied into cowering.

Vicky has had enough of their nonsense. She held the girl blocking her path by her face and gently pushed her face out of the way, then resumed walking.

" Vicky!!" The girl screamed and ran after her when she saw Vicky didn't even look at her. She felt belittled, with the people littering around, laughing at her.

When she got to Vicky, she pushed her, which made Vicky stumble forward and hit her face on a hard object. She frowned due to the pain.

Vicky raised her head and a black crisp shirt entered her view. She trailed it up to an expressionless ocean blue eyes staring down at her. "Sorry," she said and turned around.

She heard gasps and surprise exclamations from the nosy students walking around, who had gathered at seeing an interesting show they have been longing to see outside the arena for so long.

"Did...did she just get physical with general Vim?"

"What is that girl? she hugged the general?"

"Shouldn't she be punished?"

"What will happen if Princess Mebony hears this? is another girl going to be broken again?"

"I don't think so. This purple haired-girl doesn't look simple either, and she's more beautiful than Princess Mebony"

"He he he, I think we would be watching interesting dramas between that purple-haired girl and princess Mebony"

Meanwhile, Randy; The young man standing behind General Vim glared at Vicky who was walking towards the trouble-making girls, and called. "General..."

"Leave her be," General Vim said to his subordinate and strode away, with Randy tagging behind along.

Vicky didn't care to know who she barged into, nor did she care to listen to the whispers around her. She walked straight to the girl who pushed her and gave her a resounding slap across the face.

The girl was surprised by how domineering and handsome General Vim was that she missed the pissed-off Vicky standing in front of her until a powerful slap landed on her right cheek.

Vicky didn't give a chance to pull herself from her shock and followed it up with a roundabout kick which sent her straight into her friends standing behind her.

The three girls fell embarrassingly on the floor in the presence of so many students and watched as Vicky walked slowly towards them while removing her leather waist belt.

With the anger and frustration brewing in her, she flogged the three girls mercilessly while making sure their faces were fine. After all, women fancied their faces.

Luckily for them all, they were wearing black trousers and black long-sleeved shirts which covered most parts of their bodies, else they would have been more ashamed to see marks on their beautiful bodies.

The sound of a whistle was heard not far away as five guards in blue uniforms rushed forward to stop Vicky and Mr. Xu walking leisurely with his right hand in his trouser pocket. 'It's her again? Why does she like to get involved in fights? if I let her go again it will be obvious.'

He gave a frustrated sigh and stopped in front of Rhoda and her friend. If looks could kill, the three girls would have died from the glare they were getting from Mr. Xu. 'It's their fault. if they didn't provoke her, he wouldn't have been in this kind of situation right now.

"You girls like causing trouble so much don't you? now head to the detention class" Mr. Xu said with no warmth whatsoever in his tone. He was angry at the girls. The principal is going to give him an ear full today.

The three girls were pulled away by three guards, while Vicky followed behind them with no guards holding her.

It surprised the students standing around because whenever students are caught disobeying the rules, they are dragged away by the guards.

Two guards had wanted to hold her but the intense glare they received from Mr. Xu sent their souls shivering.

"Excuse me, sir, my friend did nothing wrong!" Jiya Rathore exclaimed from the door of the hospital the moment she saw Vicky going with them.

She had heard some students talking about it a while back and ran outside to see, knowing that Vicky would have been sleeping if it was not for her and knowing Vicky wasn't the type to start a fight, but definitely, the type to end a fight, She felt partially guilty and decided to speak up for her.

Mr.Xu sighed in relief, Vicky will have a friend to keep her company in the detention community. "Since you know so much, join them in the detention class," Mr. Xu said.

"Ah?" Jiya widened her eyes. Is this man joking? What nonsense is he spewing?

"She is sick," Vicky said unbothered.

Mr. Xu has already made up his mind. He would have obeyed and let Jiya go, but how would he explain to others that a student changed his mind? "Bring her along," he told one of the guards who went to get Jiya.

"Sis, enjoy your stay in the detention class, I will make sure to explain the lessons to you when you are out!" Ayaan laughed.

"You meanie!" Jiya pouted.


In the detention class, a beautiful classy woman with straight black hair and a knee-length red suit skirt and blazer with a black undershirt sat on an office chair working on a computer.

The moment they walked in, Jiya and the other three girls couldn't help but exclaim at how beautiful she was.

Vicky sneered, her sister was prettier than her.

"What offense this time?" The lady asked. She didn't bother raising her head and her voice was so detached that you'd think she never had a joyous moment in her life.

"They fought," Mr. Xu said nonchalantly.

The woman paused for a second and raised her beautifully curved brow at them. "Didn't they know the rules?" She asked.

"They do. Some wouldn't stop causing troubles" he glared at the three girls while saying that.

"Interesting," The woman said and continued what she was doing.

Mr. Xu wanted to tell Miss Montes to be lenient with Vicky but couldn't force the words out of his mouth. 'Whatever, forget it. I didn't send her to fight' he thought and walked out, hoping to go tell the principal what happened.

After he left, Miss Montes closed her laptop and stood up. With her black and beautiful heels, she walked towards another door and said "follow me"

The five girls followed her through the door and into an elevator. The elevator had no controls nor did it have indicators. They didn't even know where they were going.

Sometimes, they felt like they were going down, other times, they felt like they were going up.

Vicky shut her eyes while resting on the elevator.

Jiya on the other hand was biting her lips and glaring at all the girls in the elevator. It was all their fault. Why can't rich bratty kids just learn to accept losing? look at me, I was given a thorough beating unjustly, still, I endured and accepted my failure. What's so hard about that?.


They all stayed inside the elevator for God knows how long before the elevator finally came to a stop.

The door opened to reveal a pure white laboratory with lots of people going up and down doing whatnot.

Miss Montes stepped out of the elevator and the girls followed behind her. Nobody stopped to greet her, and neither did she.

They entered a door by their right and followed a dark corridor for some minutes until they saw a divided corridor. They took the left turn and continued another ten-minute walk.

They kept taking turns that the girls got tired of walking. If they have to add up all the ten minutes, five minutes walk before a new turn, it will add up to three to four hours.

Vicky supported Jiya who couldn't walk anymore and took another turn. This time, they didn't see any intersection. They walked to the end of the dark corridor and Miss Montes pressed a few buttons on her wrist watch before the door burst open.

The girls shaded their eyes from the brightness of the sun and waited for their eyes to adjust to the brightness before they stepped out into the open.

To their utter shock, What they saw outside the door got them staring wide-eyed that even Vicky furrowed her brows at how outrageous the sight was.