Extended Detention.

Rhoda ran out of the classroom to see Vicky and Jiya walking down the corridor, she wanted to scream their names, but with her mouth still swollen and painful, she couldn't scream loudly, so she took to her heels again until she stopped in front of them panting. She rested her palms on her knee to catch her breath for a few minutes with Vicky and Jiya starting at her to know the drama she was about to create again.

"Ruolan, I am sorry. Everything happened because of my stupidity, please don't be offended. I only challenged you because...because i-i wanted to seek your attention" she lowered her head with the helm of her black uniform shirt clenched in her fist. She was very sure Vicky would disdain her for seeking attention in such a cheap way. However, to her surprise, Vicky only sighed and said. "I would appreciate it if you don't ever call me Ruolan. My name is Vicky. You wanted attention? here, you have my attention. What do you want?"

Rhoda was stunned. Why did it sound like she hates being called Ruolan? now, how is she going to continue the conversation? the atmosphere had become awkward, and she was starting to regret coming.

Just then Jiya intervened. "Hi, I'm Jiya. It's nice of you to apologize to her, you really should have and you also should apologize to me because I was dragged into the mess you and your friends created. Now see, we are all made to become farmers now. Do you know how to farm?"

Rhoda shook her head."No"

"See, neither do I, and I believe your friends and my...friend..." she took a peek at Vicky's face. Seeing that she wasn't aversive to the idea of being called a friend, Jiya smiled and continued. "...does not know how to farm, so what do we do? we don't even have good equipment. This school is just so..." She immediately shut up at Vicky's glare.

"I have a suggestion, how about we go look for some people to help us? Miss Montes said we could ask for help right?" Rhoda asked.

"With Equipment. I think that was what she was talking about, right Vicky?" Jiya asked.

"Hmm," Vicky answered.

"Damn this school!" Rhoda pulled at her hair in frustration. Just then, an AI voice spoke from nowhere.



Rhoda was stunned and Jiya widened her eyes in shock. Just now she almost abused the school. If not for Vicky who saved her... She turned to Vicky and mouthed a "Thank you" to which Vicky rolled her eyes and Jiya smiled.

"Rhoda, what did you do? I heard the AI voice from the class." Radnah ran out of the class and towards the three people standing in the corridor.

"I forgot and used a curse word again," Rhoda said sadly.

"This is the second warning right? you still have one more chance." Radnah consoled.

"Yeah. Ah, where is Brenda? I thought I left you both in the classroom?" Rhoda asked.

"Didn't you guys see her? she left me in class in search of her crush"

"Was that the reason she created a scene to bring us here? all for her crush?!" Rhoda raised her voice a little.

"No, she forgot he was here, I reminded her of it" Radnah hurriedly corrected before the misunderstanding becomes too large to resolve.

Vicky raised the corner of her lips in a sneer. 'What a dumbo' she thought and started walking towards the entrance. For the girl who used her as an excuse to come see her crush/ clash or whatever she calls it, she won't let her off.

Vicky hated being used as a stepping stone the most. And she is never a person who lets those who attempted to bully her have a peaceful life.


Outside the facility, Jiya, Vicky, Rhoda, and Radnah stood together watching the students working on the field. Those with Advanced Equipment were done with their work and were sitting in groups of twos and more talking and laughing.

The moment they saw the four beautiful girls standing together in their all-black uniforms, some of the guys salivated. It's been long they last had body contact with the opposite gender.

Since some of them were in the second year classes, who has been serving detention for more than two weeks now and hasn't seen female students sent here since then, they felt the urge to go grab one of them and you know, have a little fun, touching here and there without going deeper.

A guy's gaze fell on Jiya. 'She looks weak and innocent' he thought and passed the tip of this tongue through his lower lip and bit it sexily.

"Romeo, why are you undressing the girls with your eyes?" Simeon walked over from the field and handed Romeo a key. "Thanks man, if it wasn't for your weeding machine, I wouldn't have been able to complete my work today." He sat beside him under the canopy placed in a part of the field.

"It's nothing dude, when you get to year two, making robots and machines would be like a walk in the park for you. By the way..." he turned his gaze to the girls still standing by the entrance of the facility, except that the one with purple-colored hair, the prettiest one among them was resting on the one he had his eyes on. "...Those girls aren't from my class and they wouldn't be year three and year four students either. They should be your classmates, right?"

"How did you know that they aren't year three and year four students?" Simeon asked while scrutinizing the girls from afar.

"Because year three and year four students can never be seen in the detention center. They don't break the rules, they solve their problems in the arena" Romeo answered.

"You are right. Seeing that girl resting on her friend, I think her name is Vicky or something. She is the prettiest girl the school has. That's what I heard the seniors say, in the cafeteria. A lot of guys likes her. Especially from the senior classes. I wanted to make her scream under me, but I'm not strong enough to mess with the seniors who already have their eyes on her." Simeon sighed.

"Hmm, you are a smart one. Fighting over something with the seniors is a terrible choice and once a senior set their eyes on you, your life in the school would be terrible, unless you are a good fighter. When I mean good, I am talking about the power to defeat the most powerful in the senior classes, because some seniors, especially the girls tend to pay others with their academic points to help them defeat someone they can't defeat" Romeo explained.

"So academic points can be used like that too?"

"Academic points can be used for almost everything. Just that the school won't tell you guys in your first semester because you don't have any academic points right now.Or do you?"

"Oh! that's understandable... Ah, so you are here, uh, God is on my side. Your brother sent me here, I will be taking vengeance on you" Simeon gave a wicked smile.

"Who are you referring to?" Romeo asked.

"That four-eyed Indian girl with an innocent face" Simeon smirked.

"Don't you dare touch her, she is my prey" Romeo warned.

"You like her?"

"I want to have fun with her. You have a problem with that?" Romeo raised an eyebrow at him.

"N-no, I dare not. But can I ask you for a favor?"

"What is it?"

"If you are tired of her, can you pass her to me? her brother sent me here, I can't forgive them" his face clouded with a sinister look.

"No, I won't. You have an evil intention and I only want to have fun that I believe she would enjoy. The school forbids your kind of heart, pray that the invisible AI didn't hear you. If it did, then your days in this detention center will be more...let me not say.

As for your kind of mentality, it is stupid and cowardly. You bullied the brother first and then you were sent her, now you want to ruin the innocent sister who knew nothing about your beef with her brother. You are a disappointment to men. I might be perverted, but I don't do anything except it's with the other party's consent. I don't want to be sent away from school due to your stupidity.

Do you know that the forest surrounding the school is not ordinary? I know what's in that forest and they are the reason General Vim comes to this school every month to keep those things in check. I'm not sure you know who General Vim is, but make sure to come out of here early to witness what might change your way of thinking forever." Romeo curled his lips when he saw the scared look on Simeon's face.

Just before Simeon could say anything, the invisible AI voice sounded.





Simeon widened his eyes in horror. what nonsense is this? can't I just plot against someone? must i always be the one to get punished for those two siblings? he glared at Jiya for a few seconds before quickly taking his gaze back before the AI catches him again.

"I told you so" Romeo smirked.