Miss Montes Exposed.

 Vicky woke up by 8 Am due to the alarm Jiya placed close to her ears. 

She frowned at the disturbance and waved her hand to throw the alarm off, but Jiya saw the hand coming so she quickly took her phone away before it got smashed to its death. 

When she saw that Vicky still didn't want to wake up, she brought the alarm closer to her ear one more time, however this time, she was not so lucky because the phone was smashed off her hand and hit the floor with full force. 

Jiya stared unbelievably at her empty palm for a few seconds before she turned her gaze from the sleeping Vicky to her phone lying on the floor. 

She took small steps to it. She already knew that the screen was broken and wasn't expecting otherwise. True to her thought, when she took the phone the damage was beyond what she had imagined. 

She pressed the power-on button and the screen lit up with an ink-filled screen.